Melancholic Rhetoric

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Sembawang Compy..

The competition was spread over the whole weekend..


today was the individual events for c-class, standard male and female..

I had to meet up with rachel and shwajuan at boon lay mrt station at 6am.. 6am..!! that's fucking early..!! ahahhahahahhah.. i realised now that the buses going by my house only start service at about 545.. so i had to wait 15 bloody minutes for the bloody bus.. so i was abit late.. and the girls as usual.. bully me.. ahh.. the relentless assault of verbal bullying from the girls.. i can do nothing.. everything that i seemed to do put me into a more difficult position.. so i just absorbed everything they throw at me.. ahahahahhahhahaha...

met up with the other archers at sembawang mrt station.. then we were off to sembawang CC.. it was an indoor-outdoor competition.. it was an outdoor venue but had a large tent over the 4 badminton courts outside.. a very cramped place.. the organisers were abit messy.. coz they made every single event drag with their new format.. 2 details then take score.. very very tedious and long sequence.. every event was dragged back.. my event scheduled at 1245 was postponed to 5pm..!! bloody hell..!! i had to wait damn long sia..

so in the mean time.. i took naps.. wandered around.. went to sun plaza and back.. boring and long wait.. there was a moment where i slept and then woke up to find the FAAC coach Mr Jaffar smiling and walking towards my direction.. he came up to me.. did an intro of himself.. asked me about yazid and my archery and such.. was a brief conversation.. but a very friendly man.. a man with a admirable vision.. to increase the number of malays in this sport..

so finally it was my event.. 5pm it started.. was all dazed from just waking up from my nap.. did some warm-up and i was in.. did some mental talk.. was bloody nervous.. i was afraid of slumping again.. well.. i just told myself to smile, try to stay happy, try to relax, calm my heart rate down and enjoy myself.. so there i was.. on the equipment line.. with bow in hand.. my fingers tapping on the handle as i waited in anticipation for my detail..

the buzzer sounded.. sighter round 1.. all my shots went down into blue and red.. but there's a grouping.. and that's all that mattered.. so i had to change my sight.. 4.7 to 4.8.. second sighter round.. yellows and reds.. how wonderful..

then the scoring started.. i was hyped up.. i was nervous.. i was scared.. and i buang-ed my first end.. i was like wtf.. i can do better.. and so i proved it by scoring high in the following 2 ends.. wonderful performance.. in my 4th end.. i was getting all nervous and anxious for no particular reasons.. thoughts suddenly flashed thru my head.. it was a whirl of crazy thoughts.. my heart was racing and i was forgetting everything.. i was losing my mojo.. i was failing it.. and i buang-ed that end..

on the 5th.. it was the repeat of my subsequent failure.. there i was on the firing line.. perspiring crazily.. my heart beating wildly.. i took several deep breaths.. gripped the string.. came to pre-draw.. put it down.. as the thoughts clouded my mind again.. i was thinking to much.. took a deep diaphragmatic breath and followed with my shot sequence.. draw.. seek.. hold.. hold.. release.. followthrough.. i saw the shot land into the centre of the board.. wow..!! the feeling was great.. the following shot went into the centre as well.. and when i went to retrieve 'em.. they both were Xs.. wow..!! the feeling is great..!!! so great..!!

well.. my happiness was short lived.. apparently.. shwajuan did not perform well.. and she was feeling down about it.. i really pity her.. was very sad for her.. really sad.. i wish she would forget all about this.. rachel and i was like going all crazily concerned over her.. it really is sad to see a close friend in a down mood.. especially when it is so hard to approach shwajuan when she's down.. i'm scared.. honestly.. yeah.. i admit.. i'm scared.. everytime i see her feeling down.. i would be feeling so scared yet worried about her.. but i can do nothing but just give her advice and pray that she would get up from this slump and be feeling better once more.. all smiling and laughing.. she has one of the most beautiful smiles and sparkling eyes that i have ever seen... so seeing that beautiful smile on her face is sufficient enough for me.. i want to see that smile on her face all the time..

hope she feels better soon..

one of the dumbest things that i have ever done.. i glued my broken earpiece with super glue.. then after the outer layer dried.. i put the earpiece into my ear not knowing that the inner layer hasn't fully dried.. and i found myself having the earpiece stuck to my ear and having to rip it out of my ear.. Ouch..!!! it hurt.. and i spent the whole night scrapping the hardened patches of glue on/in my ear.. lucky never go inside the hole sia.. dunno wat might happen.. lucky i took it out after about 12mins.. later after 1 hour.. the thing cemented to my ear.. and it'll be a damn silly sight..


went to sembawang with rachel.. and i was having trouble pulling the right earpiece out without me grimacing in pain.. so i told her about last night.. and she laughed hysterically.. wth.. yeah. i can say that it is kinda dumb.. but it's a mistake.. and a hilariously painful one at that.. ahahahaha..

reached sembawang station.. met jonathan.. my teammate.. we still haven't got news whether my team had went thru.. i guess not.. shravan and me scored an average score but jonathan scored less.. so there was a big worry.. went to 7 Eleven to buy milk for my breakfast.. yes.. honey stars.. stood outside of the station.. so that those smrt officers won't shoo me off.. so my back was facing the gathering area so i didn't know who came later on.. i just continued eating.. got a glimpse of shwajuan.. she seems to be okay.. all smiling.. that's a wonderful sign..

so we all headed off to the range.. found out from BK that my team never qualified.. sad.. yes.. coz it may be the only time that i team up with shravan.. he's going off in february.. damn.. so soon.. so my team didn't qualify.. so jonathan went off home since he had no role here.. thought of going off as well.. but then my fellow archers need support..

while waiting for my archers events.. i went to watch the compound and recurve open event.. ahh..!! that compound girl in 6B..!! so cute and pretty..!! but she's in a way different social class and not to mention archery class then me... she's a rich, clever compound archer.. whereas i'm a moderate, recurve archer.. too different.. way different.. only eye candy for me.. =(.. her sister is pretty too but ladylike.. ahh.. the compound bows are so cool..!! Especially Hoyt's UltraElite.. i like..!! i want..!! i want a compound bow..!! so cool..!! but i have to improve my skill as well as complete my bowset before i can ever think of acquiring a compound bow.. besides.. it won't be possible.. compound bows are too expensive..

anthony broke adelia's bow.. so she had to use mine.. the standard girls and guys team event was up.. the gurls performed well.. given the fact that adelia was using my bow and my fellow year 1 archers are having their first practical team event.. shwajuan didn't seem to show any signs of disappointment.. and apparently.. from what i see.. she seems to have found her form back.. i dunno. i was too far away to see clearly.. but her shots were marvellous.. but.. the guys team didn't go thru.. both girls team went thru.. especially rachel, kailin and christine.. they seem to be high..

in the end the shwajuan, shimin and adelia won team bronze and rachel, kailin and christine won team silver... well done girls..!! SPAC females seem are most definitely one of the best.. Our Cclass guys were good too.. derong, guolong and BK were on a high.. groupings in yellow.. on fire sia they all.. in the end they won Gold..!! team gold..!! wow..!!!

overall.. i have to say.. sembawang compy was a good compy for me.. i overcome something even greater than scores.. i conquered myself..

Team BumbleBee..
Hafiz, Timothy, Ryan..
The greatest standard class team..!!

SP Archers group photo..

Male team event..
Don't tell me u can't see him..

Female team event..
Can see her..??

compound bows..!!

Compound archers..!!! cool..!!


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