Melancholic Rhetoric

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Due to "popular" demand.. forwarded the weekend writeout by a day.. ahahahhahah

Thank God for calming my anger down.. Thank God for not allowing the scenario where i would burst out in anger.. Thank God for all the things that he did to make my day NOT like how i initially thought it would be like.. Thank God.. Thank God..!!

Came rather early today.. club had aircon so since it was still early i went to sleep on the sofa chair.. clement who was sleeping beside me seems to be real tired coz he was snoring all the way.. ahahahah.. then.. Ppl started to come.. well.. somehow.. that fucker came up to the club.. but surprisingly.. my blood didn't boil.. i dunno why.. must be the aircon.. well.. it did finally boil when he made a really unnecessary comment when me and jonathan were discussing archery stuff while looking down at the badminton courts where they were having CFP.. arrggghhh...!!! i wanna punch his face and beat him to a pulp.. I'll wipe that smug of his face with the "hafiz method".. walao.. the comment he made was totally unnecessary lorr..

anyways.. went down to field.. plonked myself in a faraway corner.. and then called GL and munweng over to check the limbs.. showed them.. discussed.. talked about it.. looks like they all give the same reason.. "the limbs are old, it's not ur fault".. that cheered me up abit.. well.. honestly.. i didn't shoot that much today.. though i tried several ends at 50m.. tell u what.. shooting 50m is fun..!! dunno why.. but it's just this weird feeling that shooting further feels better... ehehehehehe... there was one time where i was shooting 30m with nadiah.. and we were singing songs that were played by those camp ppl at FC5.. funny sia.. coz after that we got so distracted that our shots went haywire.. ahahahahhahhahahahahah....

spent most of my time teaching esther.. i can say that she has improved..!! No more elbow twisting problem.. i dunno how ahh.. but suddenly.. i came up with new ideas on how to improve herself in archery.. it just came out of nowhere.. i told her to work on groupings.. shoot the first arrow then aim the other 2 for it.. like how i used to do it before i became champion.. hah.. formula for tight groupings.. ahahahhaha.. now i know what to do.. after she has mastered her groupings.. then she can focus on hitting the target.. like how i used to do it.. ahahhahaha.. and it works..!! once i told her to aim for the first arrow.. the groupings show..!! ahahahahahhaha.. i just love it..!! it's like something i never felt before.. tasting the sweet pleasure of the fruits of ur labour ripen.. ahhh.. i promise u esther.. u'll be one of the best..!! thank u esther for letting me feel this new "emotion".. i just love it.. i really have picked up from GL.. guess this is really teaching.. too bad that esther would be my first and final student.. coz i've thought about what weiyi has said.. and have made my decision that i will only shoot and shoot.. no more teaching.. next sem when the freshies come in.. i won't be teaching.. i can only teach females.. i dunno why.. maybe it's becoz of watching GL teach the other female members of GLA.. and i've seem to developed it as well..

chatted with GL and Derong in the mrt before they alighted at clementi.. told them about how i thought bout my participation in competitions.. and thanks for the advice.. i think i'm gonna go for AAS.. sunday take score..


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