Melancholic Rhetoric

Thursday, November 16, 2006

A rare insightful thursday..

I came to school today for a rather lame 2 hours for GEMs class.. Well.. i thought it was lame at first.. until my teacher Ms Wee brought up a great lesson.. My GEMs.. Effective interpersonal communication is all about EQ.. Emotional Quotient.. something very important.. even for those with high IQs, without EQ.. U won't survive the world.. Okay.. so that's a brief insight about my GEMs.. And so far.. we've been studying our own emotions.. but today's lessons was different.. It started off with us finding synonyms for basic words such as "say", "talk", "watch" and "tired".. Basically, finding synonyms for these words are for our use in identifying the intensity of the words and how the ppl saying them are feeling.. And my teacher says that i'm cheeky coz i come up with cheeky words for the synonyms.. -.-"

So today's lesson.. we dwelled and intensively studied scenarios on how a single word can totally change the mood of the scenario from a clam setting to a fight.. We learned the voodoo effect.. Basically the term for "shooting" someone.. We are basically attacking our extended selfs.. like a sticking a pin in a voodoo doll.. So there u have it.. "shooting" is called the voodoo effect.. I realise how important this lesson was yesterday when i chatted with shwajuan and due to a misunderstanding i got her all feisty.. Damn.. i was scared.. I apologised to her non-stop.. I didn't shoot her or anything.. I just said a phrase which she misintepreted and then she got angry at me.. *Phew* luckily in knew how to deal with such a situation and then got on good terms with her when she realised that she misunderstood my words.. So a huge sigh of relief for me there.. I didn't want to lose a friend just becoz of a silly thing such as misunderstanding.. so today's lesson on voodoo effect was really clarified my mind about this topic.. Now i know how to deal effectively in such situations..

Voodoo effect also dwelled on the fact on how we actually "shoot" ppl.. or in voodoo effect terms.. poked a needle.. Realise that we always poke needles into ppl by asking questions.. These "questions" are actually hooks.. Yeah.. Hooks.. Notice how u invert a question mark and it's a hook.. well.. these "questions" hook the ppl questioned into rather "difficult" situations.. Realise that it easier to give questions than answer them.. Here is where the logic of question-hook comes into play.. So.. When ppl use these "questions" they are basically stamping a psychological stand of superiority.. So.. basically.. u ask are claiming to someone else that u are superior than him/her by asking questions.. Notice how i answer irritating questions with a "why not..?!".. Heh.. i give a question as areply to stamp my authority and to avoid answering the initial question.. EIC is great for me.. test next week.. i wanna get a ADIST in it.. i sure can..


Why Not..??


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