Melancholic Rhetoric

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Saturday morning..

couldn't stand the cold so got up and got out.. GL was back with the others.. chinyan as usual was playing songs from her phone.. then chinyan took shimin's phone and started playing songs from it.. then there was this particular song.. the theme song of a familiar old chinese cartoon of a turtle.. and i guess shimin was kinda high.. coz she started singing and dancing to the song.. and i took a video of her doing so.. LoL..!! Damn funny lorr..!!

so off we were to the training.. looking forward to spending time with esther.. and ever looking forward to shooting without fasting and getting out of the fasting form.. got a shock as the two TCs told to move the boards further up.. all the 10m were to be put at 18m, the 18m ones to 30m and the 30m ones to 50m.. i was damn shocked lorr.. i was like "18m..?!?! but they're only halfyears..!!" as i was directing the halfyears to set up the field.. instructions were constantly hand signalled and shouted with authority by GL to me.. guess GL was sure serious about moving the boards up and raising our standards..

well.. since it was 18m and esther has never shot that distance before.. we had trouble trying to find a sight for her.. wilson's sight was easy to find.. so as wilson shot.. i went to shoot my forte 18m.. and came back to watch and correct esther's performance.. she improved, as usual.. and for a drastic change from 10m to 18m.. it's really a great improvement.. so esther.. i'm sure u're gonna read this.. u're doing just fine... for a female archer u really have improved alot.. so cheer up.. though the bowstring kept hitting ur arm... hehehehe...

Minghui was rather in a dilemma.. His assigned bow is the training bow that he previously shared with nick.. but it's now an assigned bow and he has all the authority over it and can choose not to lend anyone his bow.. But.. nick doesn't know that that's Minghui's bow.. so minghui was sharing it with him.. so.. me and ryan talked to minghui about his assigned bow and that should anything happen to the bow.. it's his responsibility.. but then minghui was rather afraid of nick.. tsk tsk.. pity.. wat's there to be afraid of that all-talk wuss..?? he just acts ahbeng and then makes himself look like an idiot when he fails to prove himself.. wait.. he is an idiot.. after some moral support from me, ryan and "his" rachel.. LoL..!! he finally gained the courage to take his bow away from nick.. well done my friend..

Me, rachel and esther were carrying out our "observations".. It was real funny.. And esther was like always giggling and smiling to herself at that braggard.. Then me and rachel asked her wat she was giggling about she was like "funny ahh.. he go and brag again.. like he so good like that.. ahahahahhaha".. then we all laughed.. It was nice of munweng to teach me how to roll that flower from the ferrero rocher foil.. Thx dude.. Leonard was always giving that sick, pervertic face of his and he was constantly looking at esther until like she wanted me to stand to her right when she shoots so that she won't see his face..

As usual.. lunch with the gang.. not before esther was like asking me whether she should eat with leonard and the lefties when they invited her coz she's like integrating with my gang and she wants to eat with us and not them.. but the only answer i can give was "up to u".. coz leonard and nick were both looking at me as esther talked to me.. i mean if i were to ask her not to eat with them and they see me tell her that.. definitely the already bad blood would boil over.. so that's wat i could only say.. rather upset that they still pestered her to eat with them even though she declined them before she approached me for an answer.. so she ate with them all to reluctantly.. went to FC5 with my peeps but i was too pissed off with my mum who asked me to come home early.. it's like.. walao... i'm getting out of my fasting form and she wants me to cut training short.. walao.. came back to the field.. shot 2 ends then packed up.. not before i talked with esther who was consistently complaining about her lunch with them.. she don't like.. nvm.. next training come eat with us.. don't eat with them.. they're just a bunch of noisy clowns who fail to live up to their brags.. next time eat with me.. then can laugh laugh together.. ahahahhaahahaha...


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