Melancholic Rhetoric

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


peculiar and uncommon things have been going on lately.. happy things.. not-so-happy things.. i dunno.. i feel strange.. i feel.. i feel free..

yes.. i feel free.. the horrid emotions of envy.. of jealousy.. of anger and of hate.. that once chained me to a world of suffering has been struck off.. it's like a mighty axe just hewed the chains off and now i'm free..

i seemed to have achieved mental clarity.. it's like everything external to me.. has lost it's power on me.. i don't exactly know how to explain it.. but it feels great..!! yes it does..

i'm much more happy now.. i'm much more patient now.. and i believed i have changed into a much better person.. i believe i've become much more wiser ever since i've released myself from selfish thoughts and inhibitions as well as my insecurities.. and i like it..

i like everything of my new self.. the courage.. the wisdom.. once.. i was afraid of leading.. i was afraid of all the childish pranks and sayings that ppl used to say to me whenever i stood up and took charge..

but now.. it's different.. i kinda like breaking through the barrier of confusion and disorder.. the confidence that i emanate.. to take the helm of things small and minor but nonetheless taking charge.. and the ppl look at me with eyes of trust and the sparkle which cry out "i will follow this guy's lead".. never have i seen such trust in the eyes of total strangers.. charisma they say.. and once someone said i possessed such charisma and great leadership.. i refused to believe what the person said.. i scoffed at such an unbelievable thought.. and now.. i'm starting to believe that person..

i'm not being arrogant.. i'm not being egotisitc.. i know i'm capable of being a great leader.. but for now.. with much humility that i possess.. i am proud to be the leader of my life.. to lead my life with great wisdom and humility.. to make fair choices.. and by far.. the choices that i have made are worthwhile.. and i like myself for it..

it is human nature not to worry about tmr.. for u may never know wat life has in store for you.. patience will lead me on to tmr..


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