Melancholic Rhetoric

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Here i am..

in the main library.. intensively studying.. as usual like the MSTs and the last semester exam.. one week before the exams.. chiong-ing.. all alone in the library till 845pm.. i'll be here for the few weeks till my exams end.. studying again.. but this time.. i'm studying on level 3A instead of 2A.. and now.. i have come to realise that it is damn cold up here as compared to level 2A where i frequented previously.. ahahaha.. brr.. really cold up here man.. i'm literally shivering.. and i'm not buying a jacket as i'm waiting for the IVP jacket which is like so cool..!! wearing yazid's one was like aahhh, feel so cool man.. to have ur school's name printed on ur back.. so cool..!! damn.. so cold.. cool and cold.. ahhaahhah.. siao.. -.-"

funny how i found the time to write this entry.. ahah.. taking a study break of course.. I have much to catch up with my work.. and it's only 3 modules.. especially digital electronics which i admit that i am very weak in.. damn.. i just hate this module.. and come to think of it.. most EEE students prefer DE rather than PEEE.. but me.. as unusual as always.. prefer PEEE to DE.. ahahah.. damn.. i've got the cheek to go "ahahaha".. when nothing here seems to be funny... funny isn't it..?? ahahahaha.. contradictory statement.. sounds crazy.. heh.. studying wat.. of course go crazy..

aaahhhh....!!!!!!!! i'm going crazy..!!!!! already now.. i'm being the person i want myself to be.. the calm, quiet being of isolation.. in the morning i had a test.. and my friends were like aggressively whispering to me for help.. i was like.. *take a deep breath*.. in a calm voice.. told them how to approach the qn.. not telling them the answer.. but just how to do it.. heh.. true of the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h).. a calm desposition is able to counter the most troubling of situations.. hah.. nice.. i like it..

quiet.. hah.. the common saying.. empty vessels make the most noise.. and i am most certainly not empty.. besides.. i wanna be quiet not because of this but something else which i have picked up from my GEMs.. it is scientifically proven that people share their problems with people who don't talk much.. and i seem to be a magnet for people with problems even though i'm noisy.. so now.. changing to being quiet.. i can give these people the comfort in telling me their problems.. just like i was last time.. a listening ear.. a helping hand.. a punching bag (i know of some who took this too literally.. ehem.. baoxian...ehem..) ahahahhahahahah...

and being of isolation.. just like what i'm doing now.. studying on my own here in the library.. not wanting to invite my classmate to join me. they'll just make things worse by disrupting the study schedule i have set for myself.. come to think of it.. they even suggested study groups.. ahahhah... and i rejected the idea coz.. well... u know.. i like being lonely.. if they were the type that studies quietly i won't mind studying with them.. but my classmates are most certainly not that type.. ahahhahha. so i sit here.. in the midst of open textbooks.. handouts.. printed copies of qn papers of previous exams.. rough paper with scribbles of working on them.. foolscap paper with neat presentation of solutions.. stationary all strewn around.. music blasting thru my earphones.. hah.. this is my messy life when i study alone.. ahahhaha..

Goodluck to all those studying..!!
All the best for your papers..!!
Do things in an organised and orderly manner, it'll help out.. trust me.. it may seem that u don't have time.. but when things are done orderly.. u have more than enough time for everything..
Have the self discipline and mental strength to carry out ur work.. don't plan a schedule but not follow it.. totally waste of effort planning the schedule ain't it..

damn.. that girl singing to herself on her mp3 player is beginning to bug me.. i will raise the volume of my music and immerse myself into my own world.. ahahha

May the Force be with y'all..
God Bless..!!
I'll try to pray for u guys.. but i have to pray for myself first.. i need more help.. ahahahahah... damn.. wat so funny..??


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