Melancholic Rhetoric

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Year 2007 is the past and now it's 2008.

Like any other year, i have set resolutions for myself (which i tend to forget and end up not doing them). I haven't quite thought of resolutions for myself for this year. i'm still holding on to 2007.

Let's take a look back in my life in 2007.

In archery, i finally upped to recurve with my dear eclipse. Learning many new things, making new friends, gaining more experience as i participated in recurve competitions. Most notably the South East Asian Junior Championships which honestly changed my life in archery. I got to know wymer and his family more, forging a great friendship. I also developed the ability to coach, coaching an archer to win the female standard individual champion. Which also cemented my name as someone whom the other archers can come and ask for help. well. i've been appointed team captain as well. pretty much following the steps of guolong.

In studies, my first sem as a year 2 was disastrous. Totally horrendously disastrous. But now, in sem 2. Things are turning for the better. I'm desperately covering up for what gpa points i lost back in sem 1 and things are good. It's two more weeks of study then a week's break for study and then the exams. Studies have been good. No matter the grade for the module. The lecturers have been influential and really helpful. Pretty much injecting the vigour and drive to study harder.

In life. i had a relationship with a wonderful girl, but it was never meant to be. Good things come to an end. Abrupt and confusing end in my life. Oh well. I have to move on. Trying to but can't. I lost some friends due to their selfish attitudes. I nearly lost a few good friends but all's well now. My relationship with current friends are strengthening by the day. Religiously, i have chosen not to become an apprentice but have always been convinced by the adults to re-consider my decision. I don't want to. Too much politics involved. I mean how can spreading religious knowledge be coupled with politics? They can't. So i choose to be a normal student for now. For now. See how my life goes in 2008.

Now that's the past. That was 2007.

Now it's 2008.

I can roughly guess wat's in store for me. FYP, the responsibilities as team captain, my own studies, my own shooting.

Resolutions for this year? I don't know can't think of any right now. To be more sorrowful and emo perhaps? XD.

Wishing a happy year ahead for everyone.


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