Melancholic Rhetoric

Monday, November 19, 2007

Been extremely tired these past few weeks.. must be the extra weight training i underwent to compensate since i can't shoot on wednesdays for this month.. damn pathetic.. stupid fyp shit and dumb booking slots that the school gives..

Growing weaker by the day.. can feel my whole body deteriorating.. totally demoralised.. but there's motivation.. there's my trademark unwavering, indomitable will to continue.. Have always lived by the 4Ps of my life..


They make an unbeatable combination for success.. but it ain't easy.. nothing ever is in my life..

doing MSTs now.. i hope i can do well.. i believe i can.. i really need to pull my gpa up..

archery ain't going too well.. the responsibilities of a team captain leaves me with little time for my own shooting.. but on the other hand.. i learn new things due to the trial-and-error approach to individual archers having problems with their forms, i also learned how to observe into more detail of an archer's form.. Now i know how Guo Long feels.. unable to shoot for the sake of others.. if Guo Long can do it.. so can I.. and whenever i feel like shit.. it never fails to know that my coach was in the same position as i am and now he's an established archer even making it to the national youth squad.. isn't that great..?

Am I up for great things..? I don't know.. I'll just be simple and lead my life according to the things that life throws at me..

it never hurts to dream of great things.. but the dream would be meaningless if it's not strived for.. I dream of great things.. and i strive for my dreams.. Patience, persistence, perseverance and perspiration will see me thru.. i just have to take it one little baby step at a time.. whatever it takes for me to achieve that dream.. whatever it takes..

i have a dream.. and am not afraid to go for it..

No matter how much a person of good nature may hate.. their docile personality always prevents them from doing harm.. in fact even improving the lives of the ones that they hate.. this is their fate, these good-natured people..


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