Melancholic Rhetoric

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Cute hands.. wat the..? compliment..?

Pol-Ite rounding the corner.. Hari Raya even more rounding the corner.. ( just wat the hell happened to my english..?!?! )

Training.. training.. i just wanna achieve the scores i have set for myself..

The Power Three teamed up and played in-out TKO against anthony, shimin, chinyan and adelia.. Ok so we were handicapped.. but we still won.. it was great nonetheless..

Studies going well so far.. must come to class punctually.. not too early.. not too late.. must stay awake in mass lectures.. must.. must..

Dying everyday.. Holding on to a single thread of hope.. I wait in vain and sorrow..

yes.. ben dan.. i am.. i am..


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