Melancholic Rhetoric

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Things are slowly turning for the better.. or rather.. I should put it as detailed as -- things are slowly turning for the better as the undeniable truth is accepted and positive results of hardwork bear fruit..

well. i can't deny the truth for long. as time goes by, it slowly reveals itself and ultimately no matter how much i may hate it.. i have to handle it and accept it.. i have to accept the way things are and the way things are turning out for me. i see it as a test of will and mental strength. i've tried looking beyond the truth but it never fails to hit me smack in my face and bring me back down to earth. this truth is my limit and i can never break thru it no matter how much i wanna go beyond it..

everything has a limit..

And for a change of things.. results turn out positive and have rekindled the dying flame in me.. i will work hard.. i must work hard.. i never knew the extent in which it improved.. i will continue to work hard in improving it.. this time making it balanced.. with the left region going down too..

i have managed to bear the shape of the 10 packs.. now to define them.. they have protected me too.. from a multitude of prods of sorts..

archery.. haaa..

things are going on rather well.. i must work hard to develop the strength and redefine the once-lost technique.. everything is now done in a sequence which can be repeated with great ease as i managed to find for myself the most optimum of engagement of the necessary muscle groups.. now i have to work hard to maintain this..

will i ever get to carry out what i have planned..? all those detailed drawings.. all those notes and careful observation.. i hope i really can carry out as how i planned them and with positive results.. i have done it before without a plan and it turned out way beyond my expectations, now i'd figure it'll be much better coz i have planned them out nicely..

short, skinny, dark and hairy..


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