Melancholic Rhetoric

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A day in public view of my busted nose..

Everyone was practically staring at me.. Some even can say out loud.. "Look.. that guy broke his nose"... I didn't break it.. I just got it busted.. Some strangers even have the courtesy to ask wat happened to my nose and asked me to take better care of myself.. I felt rather stupid with everybody looking at my nose.. Have to say.. it's rather tickly.. hee..

I realise that we involuntarily use our nose muscles.. Simple actions such as laughing.. sneezing (of coz).. yawning.. talking.. and even eating uses the nose muscles.. i can feel it.. coz that's whr my wound is.. hee.. met shimin at fc3.. when she saw me.. can see her face turn red.. don't wory lahh jie jie.. i alright... I'm real fine.. Maths tutorial was kinda frustrating.. since i had completed mine.. i had to help firdaus with his work.. i had to explain to him the concepts of tangent.. and it was frustrating.. coz tangent has its own special angles and i have to draw the graph to show him how.. the problem is.. Showing him.. Aaaarrggghhh....!!! It got me and falina worked up... it's understand-able but hard to explain.. we are not qualified maths teacher y'know.. Finally taufiq voulunteered to help.. *sigh of relief*... Thx dude.. Went over to fc3 with ahmad.. had ice cream on waffle but i had to gobble my desert down.. it was nice.. but i couldn't savour every moment of it.. maybe next time.. so sorry for the delay..

Sending u home was fun.. It was pronounciation galore.. LoL..!! Merepek or merePEK..?? Pegang or pegang..?? LoL..!! confused until become speechless sehh.. and sorry i delayed u by missing the bus again.. U were engrossed with me telling u how i dealt with my wound.. really sorry.. Hee.. Take care kay.. don't be like me.. I'll try my very best to take care of myself.. don't worry so much kay.. hee..


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