Melancholic Rhetoric

Monday, July 24, 2006

Archery this time was taught by Guolong instead of Derong.. Derong was busy with the land raft.. Have to admit.. Guolong's a better teacher than derong.. But guolong was the one who taught derong wat.. Teacher of student's teacher teach student... Get it..?? Guolong helped me weed out my mistakes and helped find my ever so elusive form back.. Now that i've got my form back.. aaahhhh....!!!! Thanks Guolong...!!! I was shooting 18 metres then.. Thanks again guolong..!!

After lunch.. i went to 30 metres along with ashley.. my original sifu.. And we shot the 30 metre board like nobody's business.. only 2 people to one board mahh.. shiok.. But it was rather scary when we went to retrieve the arrows.. coz the next board to us was the 50m one and the senior seniors were shooting it.. so everytime we went to retrieve.. we had to walk directly along the path of the 3om board.. then hear the whoosh of the fletchers of the flying arrows as they flew and hit the target board.. scary feeling.. it leaves u vulnerable..

After training.. we all played badminton.. I played a match against james and shwajuan.. And i partnered with shimin.. We played and we played.. And then there was a moment that i clashed into shimin.. And her racket got smacked right into my face.. There was no pain.. i fell to the floor.. i felt water dripping across the side of my face.. I thought it was my perspiration but the seniors who rushed to me pushed me to the ground telling me that i was bleeding real bad.. Bleeding..?? but there was no pain.. How can i be bleeding..?? So i asked to them to take a picture of me using my phone.. i had to close my left eye coz the blood was flowing down that way.. James.. attended to my wound.. And shimin started to cry.. don't cry leh shimin.. not ur fault.. Jie jie don't cry pls.. I never cry.. don't cry lehh.. I'm okay.. i'm smiling.. i'm laughing even.. pls don't cry lehh.. And i told ya'll NOT to tell her... But one of u just had to tell her.. see now she nag at me.. I love the nagging i have to admit.. Thanks for nagging sweetie.. I love it..

And off i was to the doctor.. doctor open the bandage then shake his head.. "tsk, tsk.. this wound needs stitching.. i cannot glue-stitch it.. it's too irregular.. u have to go to the hospital for professional help".. And off i was to NUH's A&E.. Mann.. the hospital's cold.. Till my nose was runny.. See.. nose working lerr.. can breathe somemore can have mucus flowing.. LoL...!! I got a tetanus shot which really hurts.. Off to the OT i was.. A plastic surgeon sewed my nose together.. It was ticklish.. the only pain in that operation was when she injected local anesthetic and when she tightened each thread of the stitch.. 4 stitches.. it's considered a lot for a stitch on the nose.. the bandage that she put is rather awkward looking and ticklish.. hee..

I'm sorry that i never took care of myself dear.. I'm sorry.. thank u so so much for caring for me.. Thank u so so much for nagging at me.. I love it..

The Hit

The First Aid

The Aftermath


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