Melancholic Rhetoric

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Nothing much for the earlier part of the day though.. Just normal engineering stuff.. What really got on everybody's nerves is that IPB2 has been strictly controlled and only 5 wires are to be used.. Damn it lahh...!!! Now must reconfigure the whole circuit again... Kanina lahh...

Friday prayers.. Then went back home.. Had to return to school later for that SPSU street soccer competition..

The dejay playing the beats for the tournament was rather "insane".. He played all sorts of songs.. From hindustani songs to the power rangers theme song.. had to admit.. I loved the power ranger theme song.. I kinda miss it.. was singing the whole damn song to jon and kokhow.. LoL..!! Go go Power Rangers..!!

The tournament started.. My team's name.. Small Boys.. When i first heard this name i was like "wat the hell is small boys..?!?!?"... Jasper pangseh us.. So we had to play without a sub AND i had to play the keeper.. Walao ehh yam.. Pangseh last minute.. Well... I dunno whether the tournament went well for us.. A draw.. 2 wins and 2 loses.. Highlights of the tournament for the Small Boys.. A win over Deep Heat and a lose agains NSSL (national street soccer league)..

Deep heat match.. Damn.. it was rough and crazy.. The keeper is the SP's first choice goal-keeper and he was bombarding shots at me like nobody's business.. Have to admit.. he did score.. and twice.. Malu sia.. two goals from the opposite goalkeeper.. Well... we manage to score back.. Then it was 3-3.. Then we scored the winning fourth goal.. Didn't expect to win.. But.. Here's the highlight.. Jovee was running with this guy then they both clattered into the wall.. The DH player got up and shoved jovee.. DAmn.. fight lah.. As i was the nearest.. I pulled the DH guy away.. But.. Jovee came back and kicked him.. walao.. then the DH keper came out running to "attack" jovee.. luckily nicholas, who was on DH team,.. know us abit.. pull back his keeper.. Well.. both fighting players got red-carded.. Damn... Now jovee's out of the whole tournament.. And now that we don't have a sub.. we had to play with 3 men for the next match against the strongest team in our group.. NSSL..

The game against NSSL was rather easy compared to the one with deep heat.. Though we were down to 3 men.. we played like we had 4.. managed to keep them at bay with saves but they ultimately broke me.. 4 goals went pass me.. Diving slides.. Full body slides.. cat-clawing.. U mention it.. I had to perform basically every move in the keeper's book to keep anymore goals from coming in.. I was bruised, scratched, burned..score..? 4-1.. rather good performance.. By then.. the time was 10++..

went home with jovee.. as usual the bus interchange would be packed.. so i walked home from JP.. reached home at about 11++... Damn tired and hurt.. damn... my whole left leg all the way to my butt there's at least a scratch or burn.. oww..


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