Melancholic Rhetoric

Monday, January 28, 2008

Ok.. here comes the super long entry ( i think )

New year.. Well.. it's january so mostly it's the exam period.. so that's the main reason behind the long absence of updates on my blog.

Spinnovex was fun.. i think it's the best one i've been.. maybe it's becoz we have an archery booth and that i always visit my lovely cousin, Sakinah's, FYP booth and disturb her. Ehehehehehe.

Her project was to measure angles of joints in the human body. Only hinge joints though. It had everything that i have learned in year 2. It has this strain gauge called a Goniometer. And I pronounce it wrongly on the first time and am pretty much embarassed about it. I bet she loves to disturb me about it.

SP Open is coming up.. and all the administrative work behind it made me work my ass off. All the calling. All the planning. All the drafts. Lucky it's all completed and now we have to just wait for the actual competition. And that is gonna create another hellhole.

well let's look at other things. Subcom interview. Was a very insightful 2 days. Learned new things. Got to know some of the year 1s better. All in all. I've picked my assistants.

Archery. It has been a very very educating few weeks into the new year. Albert came by to give us the strings we ordered from him. He spent some time with us. Taught me and shaun several new things. New and wonderful things that will help us in archery. He came down again during Spinnovex, not only for the ice cream (ahahhaha), but also to teach us new things and answer our questions on all things archery. Great great things i learnt from him. Great to have Singapore's Best so eager to share his knowledge and experience as well as give us advice. All the more giving me more inspiration to perform and strive to be better in archery.

My ITP posting's out. Posted to Lifeline corporation somewhere in potong pasir. Damn far. But come to think of it, i can train after work if i have the time. Then again, i'm one of the few fortunate ones to get a job that's related to my course. Fixing and assembling control boxes for automated wheelchairs. Pay is relatively low, but i'm promised a raise in pay if i can get my task done before the 2 months of attachment. I intend to upgrade my equipment with the money earned.

NTU Open and IVP is coming up. Double 70 is what i signed up for. Crazy shit. LOL. but wat the hell. i'm all for it. Have to train hard with the minimum time i have left. One year out of competition for me. Must make an impact when i come back. Hope to win something in the team event. The friends that i have made from other clubs will be there too. I miss wymer. LOL.

These past few days, alot of things have been running through my mind. It'll affect me i know it. It already has.

1000 arrows of persistence.

TAC 2008


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