Melancholic Rhetoric

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


i didn't have the time to write..

so.. here's a re-cap on everything that has happened over the course of these few days..

On monday..
well.. study again as usual.. library jammed packed as the exam week settled in for everyone.. and guess wat.. i "found" adelia in the library.. she was supposedly suppose to study with rachel.. but apparently.. her mother didn't allow that.. so.. she joined me for my studying.. tell u guys wat.. i sat across a girl.. and this girl.. is well.. err.. "interesting".. her face.. well.. she is pretty..pretty enough to catch my eye not my heart.. it's her pretty-ness that somehow is the interesting part.. she has this doll like face.. not those over maked-up ones.. her face is like one of those life-like wax musuem dolls.. like one of those plastic faces.. like the doll-like of paris hilton.. she has long flowing jet black hair and light make-up that matches the tone of her skin.. really really a doll-like face.. her lashes are curled and trimmed to look really like one those barbie dolls.. yes.. she really had a doll-like face..

i went to club in the evening.. clement and guolong was there.. chatted.. joked.. and there was one time where we all teased adelia.. and clement was holding on to a piece of paper which adelia wanted so they wrestled for it.. and it ended up in a postion where it looked as if adelia was trying to pinch off clement's nipples.. ahahahahha.. clement was like.. "aahhh..!!! not my nipples..!! don't pinch my nipples..!!".. so there.. adelia has a new nickname along with rachel.. adelia is the nipple-pincher and rachel is the butt-smacker..

On tuesday..
found out that i cannot go for the home leg final of the AFC.. =(.. my paper is on the same time.. came to club after a brief study in the library.. guolong had just finished shooting with his new M1 limbs.. wwoooo...!!! so cool..!! M1 limbs..!! aaahhh...!!! So we had lunch.. had a long after lunch talk.. talked about archery of course.. guolong and derong were going over their performance at AAS.. then derong asked me wat were my plans for achery.. whether i still wanna stick to standard class or go on to C-class.. well.. after pondering over the experiences of guolong, derong, yazid and some of the other c-class archers of the club as well as what coach jaffar told me at sembawang compy and of course having the necessary equipment.. i have ultimately come to decision to kick start my c-class journey.. derong has allowed to me to borrow the club limbs and the stab system.. 68inch 38lbs challenger carbon limbs.. after i told him that i cannot take the 42lbs samick masters limbs that mr wee has lent me.. the poundage is too much.. i can't take it..

so now.. my journey to c-class begins.. hope for the best.. for the best is yet to come for me.. hope my seniors would help me with it.. i know that there is this common thing among c-class archers is that they refuse to accept that they are wrong in a certain aspect, eg form errors, coz they have reached the high level of c-class and they think that watever they do is right, eg sinner.. and i certainly do not want have this problem.. i want people to help me.. i need people to help me.. archery is a new phase in my life.. and i need all the help and guidance i can get.. i want to be standing there on the firing line.. then a senior comes up to me.. "hey hafiz.. i think ur *this this this* is wrong.. a proper way should be like *this this that that*.. " something like that.. yes.. something like this.. i'm all open to advice and guidance as all of my seniors have come to know of me.. i accept advice readily.. coz nobody is perfect... and i am not nobody..

And so my journey begins..


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