Melancholic Rhetoric

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

again.. i know u guys are getting bored reading my entries about archery.. maybe i'll change for once.. maybe not.. most probably not.. so.. too bad lorr.. hehehehehehe..

Archery today was say.. rather screwed up and frustratingly frustrating.. I found out that derong had changed my sight in the morning.. And i was like.."wat the fuck?!?!?".. How can he change my sight when i was on a high on saturday and sunday..?!?! How could he..?! So.. so.. so unfair.. it's just not fair.. I trained so hard to use that broken sight and now he gives me a working sight after i pleaded for a change waaaayyyyy back and no change was done.. so i train with the broken sight lor.. Then now.. walao.. go and change my sight.. i was distraught.. i was losing it.. never have i felt so helpless and hopeless before.. I was definitely losing it.. Honestly.. i was afraid of shooting.. i really was.. I was afraid of the sight.. i was afraid of losing myself.. i was afraid of losing my form which i trained so hard to regain.. The bowstring kept on hitting my arm.. It was painful i have to admit.. but watching my form deteriorate right before my eyes really hurt more.. I was crying inside.. i was losing it.. i was going crazy..

So i decided to de-stress by playing soccer.. Yeah.. i played soccer all to myself.. all alone.. it was fun.. it just feels so great to kick a ball once more.. too bad i gave up soccer alrdy.. how i miss those days.. oh well.. Ppl have to change to progress forward.. soccer is just pulling me back... so i have to let it go.. how sad.. it really is.. a passionate sport that i took up when i was young.. and now i'm giving it up.. *sigh*.. oh well.. there's archery for me now.. so after the de-stress session.. it was back to more shooting.. got the hang of using the sight.. shot for a short moment as compared to my other training days.. i was mentally and physically drained.. mentally drained for the most part.. So guolong persuaded me to stop shooting.. to call it a day.. so i stopped and watched the test flights of the "flying frenzy III".. it was funny.. it really was.. that brighten me up.. Everyone was taking bets on whr the glider would land.. LoL..!! It was funny.. it really was.. That cheered me up a bit.. So i sat there and watched the seniors and my fellow year 1s taking their shots.. Then one by one.. almost every senior came to ask me why i was so screwed up during training.. so the answer was pretty simple.. Readjusting to my new sight..

All my thanks to weiyi, ashley, derong, sam and of course guolong for helping me out.. Your advices were great and useful to me.. and also dictates on why archery is a mental sport.. So thx to ya'll once again.. I realise that the majority of the archery seniors have a lot of confidence in me.. wow..!! so flattered.. cannot gloat ahh.. later "kembang" then become over confident alrdy.. LoL..!!

Now i realise why sam doesn't want everybody to buy a Matrix.. LoL..!! Coz he wants to be the only one in SPAC using a matrix.. LoL..!! How arrogant.. LoL..!! And we all made fun of his efforts of trying to prevent us from buying it.. LoL..!! tsk tsk.. how selfish.. LoL..!! Too bad sam.. Shwajuan and I have made up our minds to go get a Matrix.. We aim for a GM first and if it's possible to get a matrix then we'll go for it.. so watch out sam.. Other Matrix users are coming ur way.. LoL..!!
Went home with guolong and shwajuan.. it was funny.. guolong was high and acting really gay.. LoL..!! So walked home with shwajuan.. talked about bows and our lives.. yes shwajuan i lead an unlucky life.. i'm quite used to it.. so to be sad over things like this is normal for me.. I'm a very unlucky person.. it's like i've been cursed over something that i never did.. Life is really that unfair..

Sh!t Happens..


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