Melancholic Rhetoric

Thursday, August 31, 2006

What's new in my life now..??

Quite a number.. Lemme see..

New friends.. New experience.. New status.. New life..??

New friends.. I've been hanging out more often with my archery peeps.. Guolong, shwajuan, shimin, rayson, james and maybe derong more often.. I'm serious.. i'm beginning to spend more time with them than with 3MC, the gang or even my new classmates.. Maybe it's because archery is one of the four main things that my life now revolves around.. And that since i spend a whoe LOT of time during archery.. i've gotten much close to them.. Maybe wat shimin said is right.. No life become got life ever since i joined archery.. yeah.. she's right.. i even know how to play taiti now.. LoL..!! I even went with them to catch my first ever movie watched in a cinema.. it was yesterday.. We watched tokyo drift at tiong bahru plaza.. wat an experience.. Teriyaki Boyz Rock..!!!

I dunno.. i think now my life is more settled down.. maybe it is really stupid to go with ur own feelings.. i never should have followed my feelings.. i never should have.. look what it's gotten me into now.. Unnecessary diversity of emotions and ruining someone else's life.. Maybe i really should have listen to what someone told me a while back.. about the position of the heart and mind.. about why these entities are positioned in such a way.. i was selfish to go with my feelings.. Now i totally regret what i've done.. I'm really sorry.. forgive me.. well.. i guess.. sometimes doing the right thing ain't doing the right thing really comes into play here.. Damn.. how could i be so selfish..?! Oh well.. wat has been done, has been done.. I just have to learn from this lesson and gain a clearer state of mind from this experience..

so there she is..
and there she goes..
an angel..
upon the wind that blows..
can't feel her touch..
won't feel her bliss..
won't even fathom it's enchanting bliss..


At 10:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

where did you get that poem at the end of this blog? i've seen it before but i can't figure out who wrote it. any help would be appreciated! thanks


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