Melancholic Rhetoric

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Exams are over.. Don't wanna talk about it.. *maniacal smile*.. LoL..!!

The holidays are upon me.. Have to say.. I'm sure am grateful that i have activities to do during this period.. Archery.. archery.. and more archery.. plus.. there's this archery chalet.. which obviously i'm going and unfortunately forced unconditionally by James to stay overnight.. LoL..!!

Archery today was rather "fun".. It's never really fun without you.. ='(.. Surprisingly regained my form in such a short period of time.. By guolong's words.. I finally found my perfect form and now have to concentrate on my release.. But how in the world am i suppose to get my release right when my bow is that damn noisy..!! I can't tell the difference between a dead release or a perfect release.. The sound is really that damn irritating and demoralising.. Even james and yazid has tried my bow out and gave up after a few shots when they found it too noisy.. Grr.. And i've been with this bow for the past 2 months..!! I just hate bow 20/3.. I just hate it.. Aaaaarrgghhh...!!!! Nonetheless.. I'm stuck with it until i get an assigned bow.. that is if i ever get an assigned bow.. But thru hardwork, faith and consistency.. i believe it'll pay off.. I will get an assigned bow.. Think positive.. I will get an assigned bow.. LoL..!!

Not many ppl came down for archery today.. so had the darn bow all to myself and "stole" 3 more arrows.. So there i was shooting.. shooting.. and shooting.. Everyone was high.. LoL..!! I think it's the de-stress from the recent exams.. LoL..!! Everyone sure had something funny to say.. Everyone was doing something silly.. Eg Bernice was throwing her sunscreen bottle around.. throwing it into the air and into ppl's faces.. LoL..!! ANd i was "molesting" Felicia (guolong's bow), Chinyan's bow and Shwa juan's bow.. LoL..!! Wanted to feel the texture of the different types of bows mahh.. Felicia is plastic-coated metal bow, Chinyan's a pure metal bow and Shwajuan's a plastic bow.. Boy..!! was guolong frustrated with me.. LoL..!! Everytime i asked him to help me spot my mistakes.. I end up having NONE at all.. LoL..!! Then he'll be like "Wat's the problem now, Mr Hyena..??" after every single shot that i took with nice groupings.. LoL..!! Guess i perform much better with him around... LoL...!!

Now i'm sunburnt.. All tanned-red.. And high on archery.. Tmr i'm going for training again.. LoL..!! I know it's a sunday but what the heck.. I've got nothing to do and holiday time to burn.. I may be jaded.. but i'm ready for more..

Is there something wrong..?? Tell me.. I'm always here for you.. Have always been.. It's just a matter of you coming up to me and just letting it all out.. Be brave.. I'm there for you.. Always will.. I'm really, REALLY worried by this silence.. Tell me it's alright.. I'm worried sick.. I can't even sleep well.. Everytime i stare into the darkness i see your chubby face and wonder.. What's with all this silence..?? I'm damn worried.. My dear.. Love ya..


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