Melancholic Rhetoric

Saturday, March 25, 2006

It's great to finally chat to someone or some people when u're that goddamn bored.. Chatted with jack2 and babe on MSn.. Chat abt this, chat abt that... quite fun ehh talking to them.. very entertaining and funny.. Then sathesh taught me how to use the gif animator.. THX dude..!! Now i can create emoticons of my own face...!! LoL..!!!

Well.. I just came back from my "outing" with BaoXian and Shirley.. They were shocked to see my hair.. LoL..!! Nothing abt them chracter-wise has changed.. Only looks.. Now Baoxian tie her hair up in a new hairstyle.. Nice.. Pretty.. LoL..!! They were dressed in their respective JC uniforms and me in house clothes.. Malu sia.. LoL..!!

Went to KFC to eat.. Then.. they checked the presents especially mine, when i went to order the food.. Well.. I got BaoXian a pair of Puma shoes.. Just any all how choose a size.. Skali perfect fit sia.. Then she so excited.. at KFC straight away tried it on.. Then she say abit tight.. Skali inside still got those crushed up paper balls.. LoL..!! She said they were very nice.. *blush*.. Then shirley asked "why u never get a pair for me..?? Hahaha..!!" Then they laughed.. Baoxian straight away wear both pairs then thru her tattered Fila shoes into the shoe box.. LoL..!!

Then Baoxian had to go.. Her parents taking her out.. Then everytime pass by any reflective surface, she go an pose in front.. LoL..!! Well.. Her parents picked her up.. Then she said goodbye.. very long one too.. Shake hand lahh.. pat on the shoulder lahh.. Hug shirley lahh.. The hug again lahh.. LoL...!! Funny mann.. Then it was down to me and shirley only.. When walking to the MRt station.. Shirley popped a rather strange qn.. " Do u Like BaoXian..?? ".. And i was like "wat u mean..??".. Then she repeat again.. then i answered.."Yeah i like her.. Only as a friend.. Why u ask..??".. Shirley said that she and izzah had been speculating coz i'm very close to Baoxian.. Then i said " really nothing more than that.." Strange.. Never expected a qn like dat..

Don't take passion as affection..


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