Melancholic Rhetoric

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

In the early morn I rushed off to dover mrt to make an appeal for a change of course at Sp.. Already running late.. Somehow I've kinda forgotten about the how damn crowded the peak hour really is..

Sialla today dzaki really dressed up like one mat like dat sia.. then jumadi pulak dressed up like some hip hopper sesat.. LoL..!! Funny lehh.. Then the issue of weilun not posted anywhere was highlighted again.. And as usual we all laugh at him.. Even before JAE appeals start the line to the concourse already so long until the ground floor.. And we tot we were the ones being kiasu.. JAE appeal starts at 830am and were arrived at 8am.. Only to realise that the concourse haven't open.. no wonder lahh.. So when it did open.. We got ourselves some nice seats at the back corner of the lecture hall.. So got a wide view of everything.. Got to see some HOT gurls too.. Hehe.. Feeling rather horny.. Then we lined ourselves up to key in the our appeals into the system.. Siallah.. weilun banyak kesian siul.. All the courses that he is eligible for, he exceed the COP.. LoL..!!

After that went to Ngee Ann poly.. to try our luck.. But i really dowan to go NP lehh.. The majority of my brothers going to SP.. Np got little friends only.. Met shirin, or otherwise known as babe, there.. And she's taller than dzaki.. LoL..!! No offence bro, but the facts never lie.. Hehehe.. Saw a particular hot and CUTE gurl.. Aaarrgghhh...!!!! DAmn hot and cute lehh.. Fuckable and LTC too.. AAaaarrrgghhh...!!! Cannot tahan..!! Aaaarrrrggghhh..!!!

Then we went off to RP.. One of the longest application that weilun and ahmad had to go thru.. And also a glimpse of hope for weilun.. U fail science how to go anywhere..?? Repeat lahh... Coz us so much trouble only lehh... Then we went off to TP which is to the very east of the east of singapore.. Kanina.. Very far lehh.. Nevertheless.. A promise is a promise.. I live by my word no matter the circumstances.. Another ray of hope for weilun to get a course in poly.. All the while we kept on laughing at his situation..

Then went over to bugis street.. I wanna check the bags and accesories and the shirts and the jeans and the.. Aiyah..!! to make it simple.. To check out all the necessary stuff to accesorise myself in poly.. Took note of the prices.. Then bounced of home.. On the train.. jumadi kept on seeking me and dzaki for help.. Help on the increase of his level of horny-ness and how to satisfy it.. I was trully dumb-founded mann.. I was like "Wat the.. I.. I.. I.. i.. Erm.. *gulp*.. Dunno wat to say lehh.." Never in my life have i ever been stuck at the throat by a situation.. never.. Until ahmad jumadi just had to pop this qn.. Alrite let's skip this.. Leave the nitty gritty details for talk in person..

So let weilun's case be a lesson to all.. If u don't like ur science or maths... U just have got to bear with it and do ur best.. U've got to do well in it no matter wat.. Now the courses in poly all go for high criteria for science and maths.. Even courses that don't seem to have use of any science and maths, they somehow need it in their basic requirments.. SO study hard in watever that u do..


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