Melancholic Rhetoric

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Well.. I really got nothing to do.. So.. Gonna talk about this picture..
This picture was taken on graduation nite 25/11/05.. Just edited the photos by putting their respective names..

Well.. This is my clique of friends.. My gang.. My brothers.. We've been thru much together.. Thru thick and thin.. In times of happiness and mirth, and in times of rivalry and misunderstanding.. Well.. Most of us basically come from the same sec 1 class.. Sec 1G.. the best sec 1 express class for year 2002.. The best class i have ever been in..

Wat do we share in common..?? Well.. basically.. All of us are motormouths that keep on spewing crap and nonsense.. But.. without a doubt behind all the hype of all our blabber.. Some of us possess the wisdom of matured men.. Well.. only some of us.. We were formely known as the "sialan kiahs".. which in dialect means "people who search for trouble".. Additions to the group in order of the time they joined are dzaki, ahmad jumadi, ian, sam (who's not in the picture coz he's our junior) and aliff.. All of us come from different backgrounds.. And possess different personalities.. There's the sex-starved one, ahmad.. The resident gays, alvin & ian.. the matured peacemakers, me, desmond, aliff, jovee, hanrui.. The stuck-up ones jon & aldrin.. the lazy asses, sathesh, lirong, dzaki.. The always-caught-in-a-love-crisis ones, ahmad jumadi, weiteck, zipei..

We have also another thing in common besides spitting words.. We all play soccer.. From crazy goalkeepers(desmond), ball-dodging defenders(sathesh & hanrui), midfield maestros (me, aliff, kokhow), to ball-ramming strikers (jon, jovee, zipei).. Well.. there's so much to say about this wonderful grp of friends that i have.. I dunno where to start lest even stop..

Well.. this big grp of friends that u see b4 u is a combination of different social grps bonded by the values of being a motormouth.. well.. There's the Brothers, The Predacons, the NPs and the other non-grped ones .. the largest grp is of course the Predacons.. it consists of me, both ahmads, ian, desmond, dzaki & sam.. But we are not the limelight-immersed grp.. we are the un-sung heroes.. The limelight role is taken by The Brothers.. kok how, wei teck, jovee & jon.. Like any other grp.. we have a leader who just is a figure head.. and he's also the smallest of us that's why we name him our leader.. Li rong.. we just call him chong.. Governing of the grp is done by number of votes of the majority of the grp.. So we r like the knights of the round table.. each of us equal.. Well.. The main decisions are made by jon.. who claims to be our "captain".. he just likes giving out orders but we never follow them... we somehow manipulate him out of it.. He's a cowardly asshole.. Always getting himself into trouble and the rest of us have to cover his tracks.. (remember that sentosa thingy) Well.. if he goes to far then we whack the daylights outta him..

Well.. throughout the 4 years in this school we have bonded ever closer.. helping each other in any way possible.. We always make provocative jokes.. but still maintain the level of respect each of us deserve.. Respect.. That's how our grp functions without much misunderstanding.. We totally respect each other.. We respect our backgrounds.. respect each other's gurlfrens.. respect each other's strengths.. respect each other's way of life.. We dwell so much on the importance of respect that wenever someone doesn't give or receive the respect he/she deserves we would really be pissed off.. Esp myself.. Some of u know this.. We don't care who the person is, as long as he/she is disrespectful to anyone of us, we will give'em a piece of our minds or fists.. Thru the 4 years of being together.. We have done much together.. Helping to pull each other thru the menacing temptations of adolescence.. I have gained much experience, wisdom as well as different perspectives of life from each individual.. Ever always improving my social bonding skills..

Well... there's so much to say yet so little time for me to explain the way i feel to have such a privilege in this group of friends..
We ride together, we die together.. Bad Boys for life..
Predaconian Handshake..
Peace out..


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