Melancholic Rhetoric

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Focus.. All my life i have lacked focus coz i never did fully understand the meaning of it.. Long have i been confused of this word.. I lacked focus so much that i put myself in unnecessay trouble.. Be it lack of focus in studies while i go ard playing games.. Heck i even played games druing the 'O' lvls.. Hehe..
And after all this while.. After so much has passed in my life that i finally managed to decipher the meaning.. Thanks to Faizal "Maverick" for his moment of wisdom.. And a deep pondering over it.. After all he was my first best friend in gess.. He taught me lots of things.. He gave me many insights into the underworld which i never knew existed in such a civilised place as singapore.. Well.. Back to the topic at hand.. There was one time whr i told him that i hated to spar with people.. He said that i was too compassionate.. He said that i had to many minds to care about.. Too many minds to care about..?? it's this statement that kick-started the understanding of focus..
Well.. it's like this.. When i do things.. I have too many minds to care about.. which basically means i think too much.. I think about the past, the future, the present.. In the case of sparring.. I think about my opponent's well-being, i think about getting hurt.. By thinking too much, my performance gets affected and i won't be able to achieve the main objective of beating my opponent.. This is where focus comes into play..
By focusing on a main objective and blocking out other things.. Blocking out other "interruptions" and the objective is there for the taking.. Wat seperates us from failure and success is ultimately focus.. Imagine a warrior in battle.. The only thing he has to think about is defeating his opponent in watever way possible, to not care about death, to not care about getting hurt, not to care about the state of his opponent.. Only to think about killing his opponent..
Somehow.. by integrating focus with pure desire.. impossible things can be achieved.. With such a ferocity in this combination.. all things shall fear u in a way or another.. It is fear that brings us down.. Focus and desire can overcome this.. Focus.. It can do wonderful things..


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