Melancholic Rhetoric

Thursday, April 12, 2007

A dream..

Just a simple dream..

A simple dream of representing my country.. just that simple dream.. it's within my grasp.. God has presented me with an opportunity to do so with the upcoming 1st SEAAF Junior Championships.. the opportunity for me to represent my country.. an opportunity for me to have my dream come true..

over the past few weeks.. ever since i made the decision to grab this opportunity.. something has changed about me.. never have i felt such maturity of mind run thru me..

the same desire to do my best.. the same desire to win.. the same desire to go against all odds.. the same desire that saw me emerge victorious is pulsating thru me once again..

never have i experienced such mental concentration.. and at times.. i find myself immersed in my own world of thoughts..
i find myself all alone.. and people say that i'm emo.. hah.. and some even say that i'm scary when i'm emo.. hah.. well.. if they want to call it emo.. then let it be.. it sounds cool too..

i would prefer to call it.. "In The Zone".. the zone of supreme mental concentration that totally every single external aspect is blocked out.. it's my dome of excellence.. it's when i shut myself down from the world.. it's when i will succeed.. it's when anger runs thru me.. i realise that i perform better when i'm immersed in the fumes of anger and hatred.. i dunno.. i find it very very interesting.. since nowadays.. i'm always thrown into anger..

that's how i use my anger.. as fuel for my exceptional performance.. they say anger is a great force.. they say if u can control it.. it can be transmuted into a power which can move the world.. i have managed to control my anger.. and i am going to move the world.. well at least my world.. ahahhahah.. sounds rather hubristic here.. ahahhahahah..

i can really have everything i want.. if i go after it.. but.. i would have to want it.. the desire for success is so strong within me that it is the very breath of my life now.. the very first thought when i awaken in the morning.. my very last thought when i go to bed at night..

this desire in me.. i am consumed by it.. never has a dream been so close within my grasp.. never has a dream been desired for in such high intensity.. never..

this dream.. how simple it is.. just to represent my country.. how simple it is.. yes.. it is simple.. but i cannot neglect it..
it may be simple.. but to me now.. it is everything..

A dream.. It's everything..


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