Melancholic Rhetoric

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


a day of training without me ever worrying about my arrow rest.. coz i bought a new one..!! well.. technically.. i didn't buy it.. shwajuan bought it for me.. hah.. but nonetheless.. Hah..!! A new shiny magnetic flip rest..!! so cool..!! i just like to play with the flipper thingy when i'm not shooting.. so.. so.. enticing.. ahahahhah.. *flip*.. *flip*.. *flip*.. ahahahhhahahh.. wth..

since i didn't need to worry much about my rest.. my shooting was going on well.. and i no longer can blame the arrow rest for my mistakes.. *damn*.. ahahhahahah.. well.. shot mostly 50m today.. Oooo.. so cool..!! never in my life have i shot 50m with so much enthusiasm.. back when i was using the club's 24lbs wooden bow and shooting 50m.. i would be like "damn.. fly straight.. fly straight.. no wind.. no wind..".. ahahhahaha.. 24lbs can reach 50m.. but cannot tahan when the wind blow.. later the arrow go wiggly.. and then either miss or hit green.. ahhahahhah.. damn.. why am i feeling so high..?!?!

there's this pain in my upper arm.. the part where the muscle bulge meets ur biceps.. there.. hah.. well.. doesn't seem to affect archery since it's only the use of back muscles and the triceps.. so.. no injuring it further during training today.. shot well form SJ's point of view.. but.. i don't think so.. my grouping is everywhere.. the occasional arrow in the 10pt ring would bring me joy.. hah..

one thing happened today.. i dry-fired..!! hah.. i dry-fired in my face..!! i was shooting 50m.. load arrow.. draw.. seek.. aim.. hold.. expand.. skali.. i feel something wrong.. then i saw my arrow drop of the rest.. then when i was about to bail out of the full draw the nock of the loaded arrow came off the string.. then when the arrow fell fully off the rest.. *click*.. i released.. then *BAM*..!!!!!!! Ooooo...!!! High..!! ahahahahah.. it did hurt for a moment though.. my jaw and my bow arm.. hah.. then after that ah.. it seemed to have woken up my subconciousness.. not only mine but GL as well.. then we started to shoot properly.. hahahhahahah.. damn funny lah... i was laughing at myself all the time.. GL and BK thought i was going crazy.. coz everytime.. we walked back after retrieving arrows from the 50m board.. i would start laughing.. ahahahhahah.. can't help myself..

there seems to be an abundance of anger, frustration and envy in me.. sinful.. yes.. extremely sinful.. but i never did express it.. i just harboured in myself.. and tell myself.. that this range of volatile emotions in me are the cause of the state of being that i am in.. under priveleged in many sorts and i'd just have to accept that fact.. But nonetheless.. they are still raging thru me.. sometimes i figure that the thing keeping me alive is the burning rage of anger in myself that keeps me going thru the unfairness of life.. it's truly fuckingly unfair and proud to say it coz there's not point in hiding that fact.. and i've found a way to use this anger and rage.. i use 'em to fuel my burning desire to perform better.. i use 'em to keep my fists clench as i restrain myself from the burning desire to be somebody.. to show ppl.. what i'm capable off.. and that i'm not just a-low-life-dumbass-upgraded-to-an-idiot-but-downgraded-later-to-an-asshole.. but someone of great talent and achievement.. someone whom ppl will look up to.. just to show them that i am someone.. just someone.. someone.. Someone..


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