Melancholic Rhetoric

Monday, February 05, 2007


Again.. after a brief study stint in the library.. i went off to the club.. hoping to have someone to eat lunch with.. but.. GL and yazid who were in the club.. had already eaten.. dang.. so i decided to eat after prayers.. so followed fairul to the examinations office at T1A before we set off for darussalam.. and guess wat.. at T1A.. we came across someone.. someone had just had a haircut.. and now.. she looks much more prettier.. can see more of her pretty face.. ahahahahha.. shwajuan..!! ahahah.. she had a nice haircut..

Friday prayers was rushed.. but i'm worried about how it'll turn up next week coz i have a paper at 2pm.. right after the prayers.. dunno whether i can get back in time.. heh. wat the heck.. so went back to club.. had lunch alone in fc3.. then went upstairs to study.. i must be very tired.. coz when i studied.. i found myself sleeping on the new sofa.. with my notes on my lap and with my pencil in my hands only to be woken up by yazid who poked my arm in an attempt to see if i was truly a sensitive sleeper.. well.. i am u know.. and i jolted from my sleep.. so i took up another position on the sofa again.. but i got rudely awoken when yazid accidentally banged into me with his bowcase.. i was like jolted from my sleep till i stood up from my seating position.. ahahahahaha.. accidental ahh.. so i went off to get a drink.. and when i came back.. christine sat on my previous place so i sat down on the other red chair which faces the door and did my studies.. and i found myself sleeping again.. ahahahah

Only to be woken up by someone fanning me with her sweater.. shwajuan.. wth.. ahahahahaahhhaha.. yes.. i am a sensitive sleeper even to pressure.. ahahahaha.. i realised that everyone had already left.. and both of us were alone.. maybe that's why she woke me up.. she was bored.. ahahahahhahaha.. so i got up.. all blurry from my slumber.. had a nice time talking.. to reboot my sleeping brain.. so we were off to have dinner at FC3.. ate.. talked.. then went home..


Went for an undisclosed training session.. finally.. i can be with her.. my red eclipse.. yes..!! finally i can use her.. aaahhh..!!!! ok.. so i brought both my bow and my assigned bow down to the field from the club.. since yazid hadn't arrived.. i had asked him to help me with my bow.. i shot what was to be the last time i'd ever use the club bow 24/1 and my assigned purple and blue fletched jazz arrows.. *sniff*.. no.. i'm not crying.. i'm sick.. ahahahahaha... i've been sick for the past 2 weeks.. must be the exam stress.. well from the sniffing the seniors thought i was crying coz it was the last time i'd ever use my assigned stuff.. aahahahahahahaa..

ahh.. and Ee Yang was so kind in allowing me to use his 1916 plats.. Thanks alot..!! i shot with him at the 30m board.. Guolong, Derong and Yazid were shooting 70m.. wow.. 70m.. cool...!! so there i was shooting her.. my dear red eclipse.. a red eclipse.. all the eclipse i know so far.. 3 of them are shwajuan's, fucker's and an NTU archer use are blue.. so to have a red eclipse is a change.. shooting my eclipse was fun.. the stability in the shoots.. the oomppff of the shot.. the power of the 38lbs unleashed upon the arrow in a shot.. wow.. how great..

yazid was having problems with his form.. 2 weeks and he lost his form.. tsk tsk.. i'm also having problems with my form.. my release and followthrough ain't that great.. yepp.. this 2 aspects are always the source of my problems in archery.. damnit.. i will conquer them.. i must conquer them.. hah.. shooting her is oh so fun.. i just love my red eclipse.. it's just... it's just.. so cool.. so undescribable.. aahh..!! i'm going nuts.. ahahhahahahh... there was one moment yazid was fixing his nocking point.. so i took the opportunity to borrow his stab system.. and put it on my dearie.. ahahaha.. just for photo-taking purposes.. ahahahhaha.. i'm not ready to go C-class yet.. though i am starting the journey there..

So i put the stab system on her... Ooooo..!!! so cool..!! ahhahahha... take pciture.. then i wanted to take a picture with me at full draw in full C-class set.. i only shot one shot.. but the sequence of camera pics taken were so cool..!!! thanks yazid for taking them for me.. there was one photo.. yazid took when i just released.. ahh.. the arrow had just left the string and was flying off the rest.. aaahhh..!!! such a cool photo..!! thanks again yazid..!! wonderful kodak moment..

Clement had just bought X10s.. ahhh.. so cool...!! X10s.. aaahhh..!! so expensive..!! for me.. i'll have Easton Navigators for my carbon arrows.. recommended by yazid and Nav users ahmad and sam.. not too high end.. not too low end.. just mid range.. somemore the name for the arrow is like so cool.. Navigators.. ahahahahhaha..

went home with yazid, GL and clement.. the first time in a long time that i come home early from archery training.. ahahahhahaha... went to jurong point to find a bag for my bowset.. it's almost complete.. just have to purchase my own stuff.. yes.. and i found one.. Yonex.. i made sure it didn't look like shwajuan's later she come scold me.. yes.. i found a nice bag.. a tennis yonex bag.. nice.. and it's red, black and grey.. the same as my bowset.. how cool.. and it has straps so i can carry it like a backpack.. aahhh... so cool..!! ahahhahah.. tmr then i buy.. today tired.. and money at home..


did nothing much today.. damn sick.. sniffing here and there.. sneezing here and there.. walao.. the amount of tissue boxes i used up.. yes tissue boxes.. 3 of them.. ahahahhaha.. cleaned up my room.. cleared my study table.. then it was around 5pm.. went to jurong point to buy that bag.. brought my siblings along.. and guess who i met in the converse shop buying new shoes.. shwajuan...!! ahahahhahahha.. so i went to buy my bag.. had trouble getting a store staff to help me.. seems to me.. that they're short of personnel in the shop.. and yes.. i bought it.. aahhh..!! so big.. ahahahahah.. and shwajuan came by to check my bag out.. ahahahhahhaha.. well we parted ways then.. she had her dinner.. and i had to go home..

AFC final..!! Aaahhh..!!!! Singapore won..!!!!!!! thailand scored a first half goal.. tied at 2-2 aggregate.. but in the second half.. the passionate crusade of Noh Alam Shah seemed to spur the singaporean players.. and Khairul Amri.. my God..!! what a goal.. Bang..!! Goodbye thailand..!! a late late goal in the 83rd minute.. enough to see the thailand fans make an early exit.. ahahahhaha.. and i was shouting out the window.. ahahahahah.. my neighbour joined me in the celebrations outside.. ahahahhahah..!!!

Ole..!! Ole..!! Ole..!! Ole..!!

2 more papers.. and my life as a year 1 ends..
2 more papers.. and freedom will be granted to me..
2 more papers.. and maybe i'll sleep peacefully..
well.. maybe..

my new yonex bag makes me look like an astronaut.. ahahhahahahahah
sure kena check by transit security wan..


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