Melancholic Rhetoric

Monday, February 12, 2007

Weekend write out...

Finally… my stint as a year 1 is finally over.. freedom from papers, lectures and tutorials.. ahh..

SPAC games day.. i should say.. it was fun. but it could be fun with proper management..

Only one word to describe the whole of the games day event.. Imbalance.. total imbalance..

The groups were all assigned and after some readjustments.. the groups were still imbalanced.. especially mine.. my group was totally imbalanced.. a major disadvantage for my group.. I was initially in group 3 but then clement swapped me into group 2 to make it “balanced”.. “balanced” my ass.. it was group 1 that he had to make adjustments to.. not group 3 or group 2..

the first game of captains ball was fun.. my team was badly thrashed.. from the start of the day it was imbalanced.. throughout the day it was imbalanced.. for the captain’s ball game.. i should say.. i was all over the place trying to compensate my team's unfair disadvantaged imbalance.. i was in defence, midfield and offence.. i was everywhere.. i'm not praising myself.. but i really had to do all the work.. this team game was really hard.. I know it is similar to the game of soccer as in it is a team game.. but what is a team when it is totally imbalanced..?!?!

back in soccer.. everything was nice.. I was the lynchpin for the midfield and together with aliff in central midfield we made an unbeatable pair.. the mentality was right.. he was offensive and I was defensive.. and being a defensive player.. I always linked back with kokhow back in defence.. the play would start from the defence.. then on to me and aliff who would unlock the network of defence and lay it off for jon and jovee to finish off.. everything was linked..

unlike this game.. I was everywhere.. in defence and attack.. it really was an imbalanced game.. from the start I knew.. but stuck with it coz it ain’t for any competitive reason.. we’re just here to have fun.. but what is fun when the odds are stacked against u..?!?!

The next parachute game was interesting.. it all came down to proper teamwork and great mindful thinking.. the planning stage was set.. but waijack just had to add his irrelevant information about tension.. in the end. He didn’t do a shit.. and it was with shimin’s genius that we won this “game”.. the skeleton and hexagonal thing was clever of her.. it made our parachute strong.. even up till the 7th floor.. coz it landed on a bush.. ahahhhahahah…

The Frisbee game.. well.. a sports game.. another imbalanced game for my group.. we lost.. we got thrashed.. but.. it was the welfare of my group that I was afraid off.. it was sweltering hot and shimin was sick.. I could take the heat and the rigour of the game.. but could my team take it..?? no.. they couldn’t.. and halfway thru the second game.. I was like telling Ashley to abandon the game coz my team couldn’t take it.. from the looks of it.. kailin and shimin were dehydrating..

I still don’t understand how the officials clement and Ashley could not see that the back to back games in the sweltering sun would affect the welfare of the people playing.. I mean.. the welfare comes first.. not how fair or how fun the game was suppose to be.. the welfare comes up tops.. could they take it if they were the ones playing..?!?! I most certainly don’t think they can take it.. they even wanted my team to go back in for the second game immediately not until I demanded a break for my team.. and about this.. I should say it was bad.. my team.. already imbalanced.. put their hearts out into the game with the imbalanced group 1 and then they could pit us back to back against group 3.. I’m not blaming group 3 or anything but it really is unfair for my team-mates.. I could take the torture.. they can’t.. I still don’t understand how such an imbalance could go unnoticed.. oh well.. it’s just a games day.. and in future.. if there should be any such event.. I’ll make sure that it would be a balanced fair game so everyone would have fun..

Well.. after the games day.. it was back to training.. I was really serious about my journey to c-class.. to the extent that I was willing to sacrifice my participation in competitions.. now that I have the strength to set up my own board.. I set up my own at the end of the field.. and used it all alone to myself.. training my form with the high poundage.. all alone shooting.. retrieving.. until GL came over to train with me.. like me.. he has form problems.. but.. halfway thru the day.. he called it quits.. and stopped shooting and told me that he couldn’t take it but he has to wait for Mr wee coming down tmr to help him.. so I was alone again.. as I was having the problem of shooting fast.. I shot all 8 arrows of mine fast.. I have made some tweaks to my form.. u can find it all in my blue notebook.. anyways.. while waiting for the other archers to finish I just sat down cross-legged on the grass and waited for them.. it was great.. I dunno. But it felt strangely great doing that.. after shooting.. then sitting down in the grass.. somehow I felt peace in mind.. I mean.. for a moment I was standing tall shooting.. then the next in great humility on the grass staring into the nice blue sky.. I felt great..

Then there was once.. I was taking a rest.. usually when I rest.. I would sit by the steps.. but after how great I felt just sitting down in the grass.. I proceeded in doing the same.. so I sat down in the grass.. I played evanescence’s Lithium to lighten up the mood.. ahh.. it was nice.. the nice shady cool weather.. the nice song set right for the mood and the beautiful blue sky.. only.. Only to be disrupted momentarily when I heard my name called.. it was shwajuan.. so I purposefully ignored her.. hoping that she’ll go away.. ahahahaha.. but that didn’t seem to stop her.. she called my name again.. and I stole a quick glance and saw her walking towards me.. I was like “shit.. she really is coming here..”.. ahahhahahhahaha… and again.. I purposefully ignored her.. ahahahahhaha.. not until she threw her fingertab at me.. ahahhahahahahahhah.. damn funny lah.. so she sat down next to me.. chit chat for a moment until she invited me over to shoot with her and rachel since it was getting late and some of the archers have already gone home and there were less people around.. so.. I obliged.. kept the board and proceeded on to shoot with her and rachel.. ahahahhahah.. I realised now how much a clown I am coz when I shot with them.. I suddenly transformed into such a joker that I affected their shooting.. ahahhahahahhahahhaha...

The day ended late.. thanks to someone who thought that time was moving so slow.. ahahhahahah.. her reaction damn funny sia when she realised how late it was..


Well.. once thing’s for sure.. yan xiang’s back.. ahhahhahahha..

shot with shwajuan in the morning till the late afternoon when she went up to the club for some rest.. I shot on my own.. until wei yi came down.. hah.. another TEC bridge riser.. a black Helix.. tell u guys wat.. the only lefties that are really good from my perspective are tsyr harn and wei yi.. coz they spot ur mistakes and help.. that’s what wei yi did.. he spotted my mistake and helped me.. how kind of him..

Mr wee finally came down.. well.. as usual.. he’s all out helping.. mostly he helps the c-class archers.. well.. coz they need the help.. after all c-class is a whole new dimension and stage of an archer’s life.. where every single minute detail is put into consideration.. and as I’ve come to realise.. how tedious it can be.. ahahahahahha.. I had to do my nocking point twice coz I did it wrong the first time.. had a light lunch with shwajuan then back to shooting.. mr wee helped me with my stance and also emphasized the importance of expansion and the bow arm push.. helped my shooting a lot.. in just a minor tweak.. Mr wee is really amazing..

So now.. I’ve re-evaluated myself again.. it’s all down to me being fast.. i have to slow down..


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