Melancholic Rhetoric

Sunday, February 18, 2007

I'm all alone now.. stuck at home.. with nothing to do.. my whole extended family is off to malaysia.. they'll be back when the holiday period is over.. back in 3 days time..

I did something that i have never done in a long time.. i went to play soccer.. yes.. i felt it was the right moment for it.. no archery training.. no nothing.. just perfect for playing soccer with the right kind of people..

And so i thought..

once the ball started rolling.. once the ball touched my feet.. everything went wrong.. everything.. the touch that i had oh so magically is gone.. gone.. totally gone.. every dribble i made was cut short.. as i passed the ball easily passed the ball over to the other opposition.. every move my team made.. i stopped it.. i stopped it coz i screwed it all up.. i screwed it all up.. i never felt so worthless.. it was totally worthless.. i was just a parasite, a leech on the field.. i couldn't get anything right.. i couldn't get anything right at all.. my unwavering stamina has diminished.. early into the match and i was already running out of breath.. i was losing it.. as i stood there on the field and watched as my "friends" played.. i just stood there and did nothing.. just literally stood there.. i couldn't do anything.. they didn't give me the ball coz they knew that i would only give it back to the opposition.. i was useless.. And to top it all up.. the pain of the injury came back.. now i walked with a fucking limp.. it'll be awhile before i play soccer again..

Fuck It..

i can never do anything right.. i'm useless.. i have never did anything right.. everything seems to go wrong with every single thing that i do.. in soccer.. in archery.. in everything.. everything that i do.. it always goes wrong.. it's like i've been cursed or something like that.. i have never felt so worthless in my life before.. i was never meant to be someone.. i will always be a nobody..

As i sat down in my bathroom.. with cold water showered onto my body.. thoughts ran thru my mind.. thoughts.. i reflected back on how fuckingly bad i played soccer and what thoughts that ran thru my mind during the course of the match.. guess i was right from the very start.. i can do nothing.. i'm just a nobody.. i'm totally utterly useless in every aspect of my life.. i can never do things right.. i seem to be repeating myself but i really thing the repeatition speaks for itself how much i hate myself.. i'm never good at anything.. i can't play soccer.. i can't keep good grades.. i can't take care of things.. i can't shoot well.. let's just simply put it.. i can't do anything..

Everything in my life changed when i saw how things were put into perspective.. i was never to enjoy life.. freedom of thought.. freedom of actions.. freedom of will.. freedom to love.. freedom.. everything shackled when it dawned onto me that i can never lead a normal life.. everything was in conflict of what i who i was meant to be and where i was suppose to end up.. i have to sacrifice everything which was dear to me.. it was a pact i never made.. it was a pact i was born into.. it was a pact that promised me good things later in life.. a pact that sees me hopelessly clinging onto a principle that my life would probably end in eternal bliss.. probably.. a huge risk.. many sacrifices have to be made for this risk.. i tried playing with the sacrifices i made.. but they all fell and nothing else pointed it out that the way for me was to be a nobody.. A total nobody.. alone.. different.. exiled.. Ppl call me weird.. call me crazy for the things that i uncommonly do.. but little do they know.. that these weird, crazy actions are the only ways for me to obtain temporary happiness.. temporary.. before i plunge into the reality of truth.. the truth i can never embrace but nonetheless have to live with..

i know.. this may be some confusing shit.. if u happen to have any questions.. keep it to yourself.. the answers would probably throw u into greater confusion..


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