Melancholic Rhetoric

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Normal wednesday... Maybe normal.. Maths was rather frustratingly boring.. i didn't have my breakfast so i was kinda restless and thirsty.. Finally when it ended.. My friends and i were heading to our usual lunch foodcourt, FC3, Food Haven.. had the usual.. chicken talk.. No.. ur eyes are not playing on u.. really.. chicken talk.. sat down.. talk cock... waited for structured programming..

well.. a brief recap on monday's programming lesson.. tai wing hung was rather pissed of coz all the gurls except for falina ponteng the class.. Even that useless class leader , Si jie.. dunno how to be a role model also go and ponteng.. And he's the only guy there.. Like he wants to impress a gurl who alrdy has a boyfren.. Like ur gonna get her.. Their reason for their absence.. Want to celebrate jane's birthday.. Bloody hell ahh...!!! After school can celebrate wat.. Dunno how to set priorities straight.. Then yijia and the others wanted to rebel against tai wing hung by wearing black for today's programming lesson.. Konon-konon nak rebel hari ni ahh.. wahh.. they alrdy prepared for their "rebellion" early in the morning alrdy... In front of maths class while waiting for ms quek to come.. wahh.. they very semangat sehh planning how to rebel.. Then wen it was the actual programming class.. wahh... sit down keep quiet only.. refuse to answer tai wing hung's qns.. if answer also in a soft tone.. Bodoh..!! want to rebel for the wrong purpose for wat..??!! No fucking point..!! U lose out also.. bodoh..!! Nak mampus..!! i was damn irritated and annoyed.. As tai wing hung isolated the "rebels" to a corner of the room.. I was shouting.. "Rebellion ahh..??!! wat bullshit..!!".. "just now so enthu about rebelling now so quiet..".. even the sialan in my class also not wif them.. i was constantly shouting "rebellion ahh..?! my ass..!!" across the room...

well the drama ended there.. Next was an AIDS talk at the convention centre.. LoL..!! It really is dat damn funny lorr... didn't go for RC.. was busy helping firdaus wif maths.. Met the canoeist gessians at FC5 using the swimming pool... Surprisingly.. Mr "botak" Goh.. still remember me.. So i went up to him then shook hands.. then mr goh introduced me to the canoeists.. "this one here ur senior.. last time malay dance and Lee cheng yan house captain..".. Some of the gessians recognised me and just nodded their heads.. It was real amazing mann.. it was like i'm some kind of celebrity like dat sia.. Even my friends who were wif me said "wahh... somebody famous sehh.."... LoL..!! I'm not famous.. LoL..!!

Well... that's about it..


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