Melancholic Rhetoric

Friday, May 19, 2006

Damn..!! I dunno how worse to start my day.. Firstly my Arsenal lost the champions league *sobsob*.. Damn, idiotic referee.. Oh well.. Complaining makes no sense now.. *sobsob*..

My fingers have grown swollen from yesterday's rock-climbing.. I can't even carry my laptop without switching hands every 10 seconds.. It really hurt.. Then i dunno for some reason.. My balls started hurting.. LoL..!! Dunno why leh.. I'm not pervertic but it really hurt in the morning.. LoL..!! I had to walk rather.. rather.. "awkwardly".. LoL..!! I really couldn't stand the pain.. My friends were all laughing hystarically at me as i grimaced and groaned in pain.. I had to even do some "yoga streching" to ease the pain there.. Still didn't work so i slept the pain away.. It was a 2hr long make-up tutorial.. So no harm done in sleeping in it..

After i woke up.. The pain wasn't there anymore. Guess my balls really needed to rest.. must be that bad fall i made y'day during rock-climbing.. LoL..!! Now the problem of CIP is settled.. Can relax abit..

Haiz... Tmr got archery camp.. I'm gonna be all alone.. Nadiah pls teman me.. I so malu sia alone there.. me frens all pangseh me..


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