Turning Punk-ier by the minute...
Dat's wat Yam told me.. LoL..!! He become like one grandmother like dat.. Nag.Nag.Nag only.. Nag about my hair change lahh.. the way i dress lahh.. the way i talk lahh.. The fact that i'm keeping a goatee.. "wahh... Act punk arhh u..!!" LoL..!!! Damn funny sia... Sathesh was laughing histarically... !! Am i really turning punky..?? I dunno.. It's for others to decide..
But wat kind of punk doesn't listen to rock bands Huh..?? Dat's me... LoL..!! Kena nagged by roslina for living my life much as a weirdo.. Not listening to rock music larhh.. MCR larh.. Avenged sevenfold alrhh.. And all those emo rock music.. LoL..!! I prefer to be an enigma.. LoL...!!! She say that MOST of the guys listen to it.. Then i told her.. I'm one of those "not-most" guys.. LoL..!!! then kena nag even further wen i told her dat among my clique of friends.. I'm the only one NOT playing an instrument.. Dzaki got his drums.. Sam got bass guitar.. Both ahmads got the electric.. And Sinhua's got the keyboard.. As for me.. No, no i'm not the lead singer.. I'm just.. i'm just.. i dunno what to say... LoL..!! I'm just Nothing.. LoL..!! I got better things to do in my life than to play instruments..
Never gonna eat at FC 4 ever again.. the food thr makes me shit..!! Now dat dzaki's return me my DotA discs.. I'm playing it both on laptop and computer...
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