Melancholic Rhetoric

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Well.. (why do i always start my entries wif "well"..??).. Oh well.. well.. Got another addition to my class.. that makes 3 new additions.. One transfer course case.. And 2 higher NITEC cases.. My class is kinda big now.. I think it's the biggest DBE class..

I still can't play any music on my laptop.. which is bloody hell irritating.. I need my music..!! Aarrggghhh..!!! had difficulty logging on to the school's wireless internet.. Bloody irritating.. Was cursing all the time.. Made lin kaung, yijia, dominic and ming yan freak out wen they saw me pointing middle fingers at the laptop screen and kicking the table violently.. LoL..!! Wen i finally managed to log on.. Instead of doing my pratical on circuit maker(r).. i was playing games wif andy who was sitting wayy across the other end of the class.. it was rather fun though.. he tot me how to play Hexic.. and he bully me also...

Had friday prayers after that.. I really enjoy the community that has been forged by my family's friends as well as their friends and so and so forth.. It really is, how should i put it, it really is.. Somewhat Great.. just great.. Not in the sarcastic sense.. But it is GREAT..!!! I love it.. It really is great.. We're like one big family.. always there for each other.. Helping each other in any way possible.. Everyone is part of a big picture.. And everyone is bound by the same thing.. Our great faith in our religion.. We laugh, we make jokes.. yet bear the significant order and respect that our religion holds.. I really love it.. it's great.. Wish there were more people like this ard me.. Every single perosn in this community is a rarity in the outside world, in public.. yet we have the discipline to congregate together at any given occasion.. Be it Family day.. Hari Raya Haji.. Or even attending events held by GRCs.. It's fun.. and it's great.. I love it..

WIshed there would be more of us.. And there WILL be more of us.. Insyaallah.. LoL..!!


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