Melancholic Rhetoric

Friday, September 15, 2006

*sigh*.. damn tired.. LoL..!! Had archery chalet over the past few days.. Overall it was fun.. Here's a breakdown of what happened over the 2 and a half days..


Met up with james, kailin and ahmad (the graduate) at the clubhouse at 1pm to help carry some stuff down.. Met up with connie, glenn, christine and derong at pasir ris mrt station.. We bought some snacks and drinks then we were on our way to the chalet. Checked in to the chalets and instantaneously plugged in ahmad's PS2 then we were off playing burnout 3.. Jack came and anthony came soon after.. Then we went off for our lunch.. Downtown east really has changed a lot from the last time that i ever went there.. Then yan xiang, rachel, minghui, adelia and jolene met us at the foodcourt.. so the number in the group increased.. Back to the chalet then to more Burnout.. LoL..!! Then guolong and BK came.. As usual.. plugging in their laptops then playing dota.. Clement came with his skates.. I was addicted to playing Def Jam that i was "banished" from the playing PS2.. LoL..!! So went outside and just plonked myself in a corner and talked cock with munweng.. Sam and bernice came.. Then at around 7-8pm.. (u don't really keep track of the time in chalets) the rest of my archery peeps came.. Timothy, rayson, ashley, chinyan, shwajuan and shimin. Then the party really started..

The two chalets were getting over-crowded.. so i took a walk with bernice, sam and BK along pasir ris beach.. talked about life and archery.. then we turned around from our route to return to the chalet but bumped into my archery peeps... they were taking a walk too.. so joined up with them.. somehow we all went to sit on one of those granite tidebreakers.. Me, rayson adelia and munweng went down to the waterside.. Damn.. the amount of pollution.. Ick.. disgusting.. the whole shoreline was lined with batches of dead seaweed.. the water has this layer of foam on it and it emitted one hell of a swampy smell.. then the sand isn't like ordinary sandy sand.. It was sticky and gooey.. like nestum like that.. every footstep we made sunk into the goo.. so disgusting.. so we sat down up upon the tidebreaker.. somehow i wandered away from the group and found myself sitting by the edge of the tidebreaker all alone.. I needed the space.. the atmosphere was perfect for soul-searching and deep thoughts.. So i just sat there, stared into the darkness of the wide sea and began to think..

As i sat there.. thoughts flooded my mind.. thought about the 5 things that my life used to revolve around.. Now only 4 things revolve around my life.. mann.. it really is stupid of me to give in to my feelings.. I knew the risk involved and yet i took it.. why does love have to involve so many risks and yet we take them..?? maybe coz love is irrational.. it makes u do things.. stupid things.. it really was foolish for me to fall in love again.. i was dumb for me to allow her to fall in love me.. I loved her so much.. yet i was never given an opportune moment to show her the love that i have for her.. i was patient yet frustrated.. and it had to end in such a confusing way.. now whenever i see her, a part of me dissipates.. i have to admit.. i still do have feelings for her.. it's not love.. it's just something else.. i dunno wat it is.. it's just something.. damn.. now this feeling of love is lost and i have no heart to love anyone else.. maybe i should be bad to ppl.. that way.. ppl won't praise me on how nice i am and there's no need fo love to occur coz everyone would be hating me.. but then again.. i can never be someone whom i am not.. i'm good natured and being nice is just my nature so i cannot be bad.. then again why is there a need to love when love has never gotten me anywhere but further down in life.. It really is foolish to love.. I can never go for my feelings.. then again.. i should never go for my feelings.. coz it'll end up like trash and u feel like crap.. what has love brought me except for pain and regret over the stupid actions that i make just to make the one i love happy when in the ultimate end they are the ones who bring me down.. damn.. i just hate falling in love.. i just hate it.. Fuck love.. it has brought me nothing and i believe it always bring me nothing.. fuck love..

I was broken up from my chain of thoughts when guolong came over.. he asked how i was and tried comforting me.. but as usual.. i told him that i was alright.. so he sat down beside me.. presumably allowing me to continue my chain of thoughts.. it was kinda nice of him though.. the student and the teacher sitting side by side.. in total silence immersed in their thoughts of the world.. since he sat beside me.. all thoughts of archery went thru my mind... How archery has changed my life in both better and for worse.. and how it really manages to help me in my life.. especially the focuing part.. How i've trained hard for the competition and how badly i wanna win it.. damn.. archery changed my life so rapidly.. later in the night the rest of my archery peeps decided to go over to Mcdonald's to eat.. but guolong chose to stay behind with me.. Only left with the two of us.. so we talked.. talked about life.. talk about archery... Now i know a whole lot more things both in archery and in life.. he really is like an "abang" to me.. He has done so much in my life.. We somehow layed back and found ourselves lying on the hard granite.. looking up into the cloudy night sky talking about our lives.. Somehow.. we decided to watch the sun rise..


Then the others came back from Mcdonald's... then it was around 1am.. It was so darn quiet that we could hear them even before we could see them.. then they said that they were in search of us.. coz they figured we returned to the chalet.. Then guolong told them that we were staying up to watch the sun rise.. And they wanted to join us.. so they sat down with us too.. Chinyan turned her phone's mp3 on to add some song to the dead silence.. somehow.. again.. i found myself wandering from the group and sitting in the same spot where i was a few minutes ago.. this time shwajuan came to my side.. we talked.. the rest of my night there was just spent sitting there and thinking.. the others played taiti and declare.. or wandered around the concrete pavement of the beach.. And then at around 7am.. sunlight streaked across the sky.. then we searched for the red streaks that pinpointed its location and went after it.. the sun rise was beautiful.. a red ball of flame rising from the horizon.. it was a beautiful sight..

We had breakfast and went back to the chalet.. we tried to get any possible moments to sleep.. and i was woken up by clement who was actually trying to catch a glimpse of me under my habit of sleeping with a blanket over my head.. sensitive sleeper mahh.. i shocked him when i woke up.. then he said that the gang was going to wild wild wet.. so i joined my peeps.. shwajuan, shimin, chinyan, rayson, derong, guolong, sam, yazid, BK, me and clement..

It was my first time to wild wild wet.. so was rather noob at it.. we tried all the attractions.. the ular lah ride i think was the favourite coz everyone was shouting and screaming down whole ride.. and we tried it many times.. have to say.. it was fun.. but lacks the kick in it.. no thrill.. then we all played this stupid rafting game in the tide pool.. it was funny.. everyone was aiming for rayson.. LoL..!! Then we were off to the shiok river.. then again it was that silly rafting game.. LoL..!! then we tired this ride.. i dunno wat exactly it's called..but i partnered with guolong.. we had to sit in a float facing each other and the float was to go thru this half-pipe.. It was fun.. coz my back was facing the front so got more thrill in the ride.. it was fun..!!

Went back to the chalet.. washed up.. had lunch over at the foodcourt then did our own stuff.. somehow.. i went to sleep again.. damn tired lerr.. i woke to the BBQ starting.. washed up and joined the others.. basically munweng, ryan and lin feng were the ones pangkang-ing the food.. but i have to say it.. ryan and lin feng are damn noob at it.. but at least ryan tried to do something.. unlike lin feng who was paying attention to every chowta detail.. LoL..!! So i cracked my knuckles then went over to get things done right.. LoL..!! Guolong and me both share a common thing.. cooking..!! LoL..!! we dominated the pit along with munweng.. pangkang-ing stingray and chicken wings.. The year 2s didn't join us though.. they were having their 1st committee meeting.. when the meeting was over.. some 2 hours later.. then did they start to bbq their food.. soon everyone settled down.. some went to sleep.. some watched TV.. some played dota.. some continued bbq-ing like anthony who was constantly calling for me to help him pangkang the food.. and some played mahjong..


when anthony was done with his eating.. we went in to take in the aircon.. timothy, chinyan, shimin and anthony soon played mahjong and i stood there and watched.. soon i found myself learning the game and then playing it..!! LoL..!! Pong.. i was pong-ing all the way.. i won three times though.. it was nice.. u learn a lot of things in archery club except for archery.. LoL..!!
At about 450am.. munweng and i decided to clean up the barbeque and the area outside.. so we cleaned the mess up.. later we found ourselves having front row seats watching to young cats doing a "trash-talking staredown" as i would like to call it.. in the end there was no catfight.. the black cat jsut cowered and ran away.. boring.. LoL..!! My peeps then started to packing their stuff.. we wanted to leave in the early morning.. so after packing and rummaging in the dark.. we set off for home at about 6am.. the train ride was long and sleepy.. but got the ever so hyper ashley, who's the only guy in the gang who slept, talking non-stop.. guolong was bobbing on his seat as he succumbed to sleep.. one by one we all got down.. left me for the last person.. shwajuan got down at lakeside.. i walked home from the interchange as usual.. damn.. i just hate selfish singaporeans who think they own everything jsut becoz they pay taxes.. bloody stupid and arrogant.. lucky i was too tired to pursue the issue further..

So here i am.. typing all this down.. and battling head-bobbing sleep..
Archery chalet was fun.. i had a great time..


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