Melancholic Rhetoric

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Last night was great..

Not the jump for joy kind of great.. But one of those smile in silent happiness kind of great moments..

One of my juniors had returned from his trip to indonesia for advanced religious studies.. And he had to tell everybody present about his experience there.. While he was going thru the brief intro.. Thanking god and everything.. Past memories crept back into my mind.. Past memories of when i went there all alone.. Only in the company of my peers.. Back then i was only 11.. So my peers were 13-15.. Very young age.. It was a great, fun yet life-changing experience.. I sat my the back togther with my pals who went there with me, The "Veterans", as we heard his story..

Basically.. Our main objective was to advance our religious studies.. So there we were.. A small bunch in a village.. for about 1 month.. Back then it was during the november-december school holidays.. back then.. it was the fasting month.. I remember the hours of study that we had to do.. After sahur.. straight on to subuh.. Then straight on to studying all the way to zuhur.. Then study again all the way to asar.. The only free time we had was the time period between asar and maghrib.. And how we made use of the precious time.. We played soccer.. we went swimming in rivers.. We chased chickens back into their coops.. we hunted snakes.. we climbed trees.. we went sheep herding.. we went fishing in the small stream by the back of the canteen.. The canteen is just basically a small house with only 3 tables and 6 benches in it.. tell u.. it's really small.. It's like a toilet in GESS.. really small.. Yet the food that they gave at the break of fast after maghrib prayers were all delectable.. Maybe it's the fasting.. maybe it's the food.. After we had our fill.. Back to studying again.. Until isyak.. Then study again.. All the way to about 11pm s'pore time.. After that we were given a choice.. To sleep.. To continue studying with the villagers.. Or go help out with the patrolling of the perimeter of the village.. Me..?? I chose the last one.. It's really fun u know.. We walked in the soft moonlight.. We saw many things.. Things and "things".. I didn't know that there was actually a small graveyard at the back of our lodging..!! But wat actually was fun.. was to sit by a bench all alone at the end of the path leading to our lodgings.. there i sat.. all alone and watched the stars.. The stars were magnificent..!! It really is nice.. On several occasions.. U can even see shooting stars..!! How cool..!! At first my peers didn't believe me till i asked them to sit and watch the sky.. And when a star fell out of the sky.. they were like "Sialla..!! Kau nampak tak..?!?!".. Gosh i really miss those carefree times..

Well back to my junior.. we was lucky.. He had a whole guest house to himself..!! Unlike my cohort.. we had to share a half of a house that's roughly the size of a flat.. That was crawling with all sorts of bugs.. The mosque was right next to our lodging.. So we prefered sleeping in the mosque than sleeping in our "flat".. Then my junior also told us that he had a choice of food.. The "veteran's" spokeperson taufiq jokingly said.. "Celaka..!! Makanan pun boleh choose..!!" We had to eat watever the cook provided us.. We were never fussy.. So my junior went on.. He said that when he asked for chicken.. he got chicken.. when he asked for beef.. he got it.. So taufiq piped in.. "So if u ask for katak (frog)..??".. Everybody went laughing.. Oh well.. It was fun going to indonesia.. Looking forward to go there in future.. if time and God permits it.. I miss the carefree folks there..

Wah piang ehh..!! Poly50 training was really tiring i have to say.. Managed to overtake derong though.. He overtook me when i stopped to let a car pass by.. Oh well.. Just training mahh.. I really shouldn't have played soccer b4 that.. Damn tired sia.. I was down with flatulence.. My stomach got so much gas.. I kept on farting and burping.. Didn't know how i still kept on running.. After the run.. i isolated" myself from everybody in fear of my letting out of gas having a stench.. LoL..!! Yeah leonard.. It must be the bananas..

Rest well to y'all who went for poly50 today... Tmr still got archery training.. God.. wat was i thinking..? It was as if i was possessed or something.. I can't believe I did that hand-to-mouth-to-person sort of wave.. Wat was i thinking..?? Gosh.. Damn malu sia.. Aiya.. Wat has been done has been done... Just emotions running wild in my head and i couldn't help but to do it.. Oh well.. Malu sia..

Thx yijia.. and yeah.. finally.. LoL..!! Minghui.. Does my face look like a joke to you..?!?! Why do ppl keep on smiling and giggling and laughing whenever they see me in a "mood"..?? Rest well everyone..!! *Flying kiss*..


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