Melancholic Rhetoric

Monday, July 26, 2010

Closer to Restricted age..

I have many thoughts to rant about. To get it all out of my mind and penned down here so i can organize my thoughts. But I just don't know how and where to start.

Everything's simply just - random.

Random thoughts popping up linking to practical thoughts, practical things that i have left hanging, cast aside to be pondered on for a later moment. These random thoughts reminding me that these things have yet to be solved and they're still waiting for my actions.

But with a multitude of new things emerging, how do i solve those earlier perplexing situations..?

I need time. But my time is running out - fast. I need time to settle down, put down this bag of coiling predicaments and lay them all straight.

It's just amusing in a bewildering way. Why does life keep on throwing us with a magnitutde of events and things that it knows that our own mortal minds cannot comprehend? Is it a test of our resolve and patience? A test of our mental strength?

I want to do so many things in so little time. Not to mention the monetary costs involved. I want to meet so many people, so many of my friends that i haven't seen in such a long time. But i have so little time to accomodate for all of them.

For all the things I have been doing and have done, nothing seems to be satisfying.

I've just come to realise that these type of conflicting thoughts always turn up during this time of the year. The time where i reflect back - What have I done for the past years that's really meaningful?

What have I done with my life?


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