Melancholic Rhetoric

Monday, February 23, 2009


And so it came to pass..
3 years of my life in poly..
Gone in a blink of an eye..
i just couldn't believe it..
it's happening too fast..
next thing u know i'll be semibald serving the nation..

there i was, with my classmates, outside the examination venue, last paper..
the culmination of 3 years of education. all down to this one moment. this last moment. damn. i could still rmb the last time i did my last O level paper. the magnitude of the moment kept my fingers trembling..

there i was. down with my paper. had a window seat. how lovely. so sat there and basically just stared out the window into the darkness of the evening. yeah. last paper in poly was a goddamned night paper. lucky it wasn't the last day of the exam week.

oh well. paper done.
3 years done.
poly done.

went to marina square swenson's with my class.
gonna have a meeting on tuesday to sentosa.


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